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Bikini Body Workout to Get in Shape!

Getting in shape so you look sexy and toned for your bikini is not going to be an easy task; however with the right...

3 Simple yet Effective Weight Loss Tips

You just have to stay focused and committed if you have the desire to lose weight. No one else can make you lose you...
Calorie Counting

Is Calorie Counting the Best way to Lose Weight?

A lot of diet plans emphasize that eating right is all about playing with numbers. As long as you consume “X” calories and you...

Tacfit Commando – A Powerful fitness Program

Tacfit Commando is a strategic fitness program designed by Scott Sonnon, a renowned fitness instructor and martial arts specialist. This program does more than...

SWAT Training – Only the Strong Will Cope

Think you are pretty tough? Think again. Elite members of the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) teams have shown just how tough you actually...
Waterproof Fitness Tracker

How Fitness Trackers Help you get the Most from your Workout

The onset of summer has spurred many to start hitting the pavement and getting into shape through new running and exercise regimens. But things have...
Personal Trainer

When Should You Opt for a Personal Trainer?

Hiring a personal trainer – some people see it as outrageous self-indulgence, whereas others would describe it as the ultimate self-investment. It probably depends...

How Timing is Crucial for a Successful Fitness Regime

Physical exercise, as we all know helps us to maintain physical fitness as well as overall health and wellness. We all try to get...

4 Ways to Increase and Maintain Your Muscle Gains

Gaining more muscle is not an easy task, and maintaining what you already have is even tougher. Muscle gains are achieved through a mixture...

How to Train like an Athlete

At a time in our lives the chance to join sports has been either a daunting task or a favorite past-time, with physical education...
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