A cosmetic procedure that gets rid of fat from selected areas of the body, liposuction is commonly sought for areas like the hips, buttocks, ankles, arms and thighs.
It is by no means a weight loss option but it a procedure that helps remove centralized fat that fails to respond to any diet or exercise.
Here is a list of the top 4 dietary constituents one should steer clear of after a liposuction treatment.
1. Saturated Fat
Consuming a diet that is high in saturated fat following a liposuction can be dangerous. Saturated fat is present in dairy products (except the fat free ones), baked goods, fried foods and plenty other fast foods.
If you are used to munching on snacks like these, a good idea would be to start alternating the cravings for these with veggies and fruits or low fat sources of protein.
2. Sweet Food
After liposuction, you must deal with sticking to a lifestyle that restricts the consumption of sugar. Consuming sugary foods following a surgery can lead to weight gain during a healing process. Most of the sugary foods have very low amounts of nutrients, minerals, and other vitamins.
These are not only important for you to stick to through your recovery process but are also the foods that will help you maintain the figure that the liposuction procedure got you. Remember, this depends on you, with an effect on how long the results of the procedure last
3. Alcohol
Alcoholic beverages like liquor, wine, and beer should be strictly avoided. This is not just for the next few days after you have had surgery.
Your physician may ask you to stay away from such foods for a longer period of time because some prescription medication does that. Because fluid intake is an important process for many people you need to take care of drinking lots and lots of water.
4. Salty Food
Salty food is not recommended when it comes to post operative recovery. The sodium present in these foods is what contributes to inflammation which in turn will hinder the healing process. An easier way to get through this period is to substitute the salt with spices and herbs like parsley, oregano and dried basil.
Depending on your current lifestyle and the things you are prone to consuming on a daily basis; it would be a good idea to discuss this with your doctor before you have the procedure scheduled.
This is so that you can stock up on the right foods before the surgery. The post surgery period can be tough on some people and they find it hard to do the daily chores that they would normally be doing.
If you are thinking about getting the procedure, make an appointment with Sono Bello today. Bring with you a list of questions that concern you and discuss the options that would suit you best.