The hair transplant procedure is a single permanent option if you are facing the severe hair loss problem. If the problem of hair loss taken the form with a different grade of a Norwood class of baldness, it is advisable to take a consultation with your Doctor as soon as possible.
It is a scientific method that makes the possibility of the hair follicles/graft placement either by the FUT or the FUE hair transplant technique.
There are many advantages of taking the hair transplant procedure as it gives you a younger look and you can feel your age greatly younger than before with a new appealing look back if the procedure is performed by the best hair transplant Surgeon.
The aesthetic goal achievement and its importance in getting the natural look back- that’s the crux of the relevancy of the procedure and a prime reason that why it should be taken only from the Plastic & the Cosmetic surgeon in order to meet the desired natural goal of the hair transplant in India.
There are many myths are prevalent in the hair transplant world that must be correctively evaluated among the hair loss patients who is going to choose as a final option.
This article outlines some of the myths and their facts in order to value the restoration procedure and tries to eradicate the myths among patient with the true sense of addressing the procedure benefits.
Top 7 Myths and their Facts of Hair Transplant Procedure are described below:
- The Hair Roots are Temporary: It is a Myth!
Fact: The hair transplant results are an enduring one as the hair roots are extracted from the safe donor area, usually from the back & sides of the scalp. The hair roots of these areas retain the characteristics of DHT resistant even after the transplantation onto the other side of the scalp and have the same caliber, length and character support the aesthetic outcome of the hair transplant procedure.
- Hair Transplant is a Painful Procedure: It is not the Fact!
Fact: The hair transplant Surgeon uses the local anesthesia with a proper management to reduce the feeling of pain during the procedure. The local anesthesia makes the scalp area numb for at least 12 hours and the procedure successfully performed without giving any kind of pain or discomfort. So, saying that, it is a painful procedure has no factual relevancy and with the application of local anesthesia, it is a painless procedure.
- Hair Transplant results leave Scars: It is Not True!
The procedure of hair restoration surgery is a scarless one if performed by the expert. The innovative technique & technologies make the possibility of giving the utmost aesthetic outcomes of the procedure.
The advanced closing technique of the Trichophytic closure doesn’t leave even a single scar on the incision area as it performed in such a way the edges of the incision of overlap each other and makes the possibility of hair growth just next to the edges of the incision and in this way the scar gets completely hidden and gives a scarless result of the procedure.
This benefit is possible to the FUT hair transplant and that’s why in most of the cases, the surgeon recommends the FUT technique. In case of FUE transplant, it must be performed with proper management and precision in order to give a scarless outcome.
Fact: The hair transplant procedure involves the transferring of hair follicle/grafts holding single or a multiple number of hair strands are transplanted in order to the regeneration of the hair roots into the receiving portion where balding occurs and provide an impeccable option to get over the problem of hair loss.
The grafts allow the hair to grow again and the most important fact that must be understood and evaluated correctively before the procedure that their extraction method, whether it is FUT or the FUE that decides the success of the procedure must be chosen wisely as according to the patient case and their state of hair loss.
- Hair Transplant may damage Brain Nerves: It is false!
Fact: The restoration procedure is performed either by the FUT technique or FUE. If a procedure performed with FUE it is just limited to the punching process that facilitates the extraction of grafts only by the punching the grafts, which doesn’t penetrate that much deeper in the scalp skin.
In the case of FUT technique, it is all sure that the strip excision targets the area only with a genuine depth and doesn’t go so deeper otherwise the roots get damaged and cannot meet the criteria for the surgery. The incision is done at the very upper area of the scalp and doesn’t touch the nerves of the brain so; it is a false statement that it affects the brain nerves or vein.
- FUE Hair Transplant Technique is not a Surgical Procedure: It is a surgical one!
Fact: No matter what the technique is, whether it is FUT or the FUE both are surgical procedure for which a Surgeon uses the local anesthesia to perform the procedure with utmost surgical effect, but the patient doesn’t feel the pain as the local anesthesia makes the scalp gets numb for at least 8-10 hours until a procedure got completed.
However, saying like this that particular technique is not a surgical is not right as both the technique involves the extraction and implantation step of grafts that leaves some surgical effect such as swelling and numbness for a few days.
7. Hair grows again on the point of Extraction: Hair never grows back to the Extraction point of the donor area!
Fact: Once the hair roots are extracted from the donor site for the transplantation procedure, it never grows again on the point of the extraction. A careful decision is needed before harvesting the donor area so that there must be a further possibility of a second session if required in the future with the expected baldness.
On the whole, we can say that the hair transplant procedure is safer, enduring and a smart decision in order to get back the natural hair back with an affordable cost & the facilities of standard care and hygiene options in India.
Author Bio:
Mukul Kumar, a health blogger and a keen learner, love to write about the health issues, especially on the topic of hair transplant cost, hair loss and baldness.