Holiday Feast

Maintaining the Right Perspective on the Holiday Feast

People often eat a shocking amount of food during the holidays. They will joke about wearing the loosest pants that they can in the...

Getting Enough Exercise During the Holiday Season

People need to exercise very regularly in order to maintain optimal health. This physical need is not going to go away just because Christmas...

Exercising Indoors During the Holidays

Climates vary from place to place, but the winter holiday season typically brings with it very cold temperatures that people will have to deal...
Holiday Food

Nutritious Holiday Food

People are still going to want to eat some healthy food during the holidays, even though this is traditionally a point of the year...

7 Facts that set the Healthcare in the U.S. and India apart

The healthcare system of one country can be thoroughly different from that of another country, and so does India’s from that of the United...
Fertility Appointment

How to Prepare for Your First Fertility Appointment

Preparing for your first fertility appointment can stir a range of feelings – everything from nerves through to excitement. It’s essentially the very first...

Understanding the Importance of Flexibility for Your Health

If you’re someone who already has a normal workout routine, you’ll want to be sure you include exercises intended to improve your flexibility. You...
bad cholesterol

5 Easy Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

There are a lot of ailments that we have to watch out for these days. Thanks to technology and advancements in internal medicine, doctors...

What Are the Causes of Sleep Disorders?

Sleep disorders affect more than 1 in 3 people in the UK every year. Insomnia, trouble staying asleep, and other sleep disorders can have...
Opioid Epidemic

Infographic: A State of Emergency for the Opioid Epidemic

If you add up how many people die from opioid overdose every three weeks in the U.S., you get a death toll equal to...