About two decades ago, a tiny blue coloured pill was invented and sold to men who suffered from erectile dysfunction as a free pass to the hardcore all-night sexual intercourse sessions they enjoyed while they were younger and healthier.
While this was magical for the men, we never paid attention to whether or not having a boyfriend or husband who used this tiny blue pill a thing that bothered girlfriends and wives.
The medicine we are discussing is Viagra, and we are wondering if there is anything women can do to keep up with the effect of this sex enhancer on their partner.
Indeed, there have been whispers of a suspected female Viagra since the male pill was approved for public use in March 1998. Is there really a female sex enhancer that just hasn’t been made public?
How close could we be to discovering a drug that is capable of controlling or even curing the complicated fluctuation of the female libido? Who are the women who would need this drug and how sure are we that a female Viagra would be safe for our women?
The male Viagra is a very easy pill to create because we understand that men get an erection when blood flows to their penis but it doesn’t work that way for females.
A female’s sexual arousal is multi-faceted. It operates through brain stimulation, what we feel, see, hear, and the connection between our sexual partner and us.
More interestingly, the very reason why we took off our clothes in the first place has control over our sexual activity.
This explains why it is difficult to find a female Viagra and if at all we are on the verge of getting one, the process of creating it would be physically tasking and mentally demanding for the inventor.
The arrival of female Viagra
In the month of June this year, a drug called Addyi was launched in the United States. The drug Addyi is a brand name for a drug called flibanserin which was created as an antidepressant.
Despite the fact that the Addyi drug has significantly been compared to the sex enhancer drug Viagra, there is a significantly huge difference between both medications. While Viagra does the work of creating an erection without doing anything to create the emotional desire for sex, Addyi works differently.
Addyli is taken on a daily basis when it is bedtime, and it works on brain chemistry; the Addyi medication reduces e person’s level of serotonin to allow a higher level of norepinephrine and dopamine. These are the chemicals that that influence desire and motivation.
Dows Addyi even work?
A lot of persons are not terribly convinced. According to results from a large-scale study of the effect of the drug on over 6000 women who took it, it was discovered that they had between half to one extra sexual experience that was satisfying per month of usage than for other women who took a placebo. This led to the conclusion that evidence for Addyi was very low.
The side effects of Addyi
Just like many other drugs, Addyi has its side effects. But first of all, never take this medication with alcohol.
The side effects of this medication include insomnia, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, anxiety, intense sleepiness, constipation, rash, menstrual spotting, a spinning sensation, abdominal pain, and sedation.
However, the Journal of the American Medical Association researchers who conducted the 6000 women study discovered that Addyi increased the risk of nausea, sleepiness, dizziness, and fatigue.
Another study also found some additional potentially harmful side effects especially a drop in blood pressure when the drug is taken with alcohol.
In fact, the medication was released with a warning against taking it with alcohol, and pharmacists in the Unites states make sure to do an alcohol screening before selling Addyi to people.
The fact that a lot of people like to get some alcohol into their system before sex poses a considerable problem.
Who even needs a female Viagra?
Many experts claim that the idea of the creation of a thing such as a female Viagra is in itself a questionable one. Infact, the term female Viagra is wrong because there is no connection between the job that a Viagra gets done and the job that the Addyi drug gets done.
While Addyi is prescribed as a daily medication to help women increase their libido, Viagra is marketed as a drug to help enhance erection.
People need to understand that sexual desire in females is a combination of brain, body, emotional, and physical response so taking medication might help to increase the dive for sex, but it might change the holistic way people should view their sex lives.
Nevertheless, we are aware that a lot of young women are unhappy with their sex lives so there is a chance that a lot of females will cease every opportunity they get to purchase a female sex enhancer like Addyi.
However, flibanserin drugs are not licensed in the United Kingdom, and there is no information as to whether or not the Addyi drug is on its way to gaining approval in the UK.
Is there a safer and natural alternative to the female Viagra?
As much as females who have issues with their sex life will want to take a sex enhancer, it is also true that they would rather take an all-natural alternative than a pill.
There is a plant-based supplement called Lady Prelox, and it is made up of ingredients like pine bark extract or pycnogenol, L-citrulline and L-arginine amino acids, and also rose hip extract and is super safe and effective according to scientific research.
The main ingredient for Lady Prelox is pycnogenol which is a botanical pine back extract which is proven to support and expand healthy blood vessels and encourage blood flow by restoring the production of nitric oxide.
Lady Prelox is a healthier option, but the question though is why this medication isn’t popular? According to a study, within eight weeks of using Lady Prelox pills, some women recorded that sexual function increased by almost two times. Lady Prelox has been found to improve desire, lubrication, reduce pain, and even increase orgasm.
What are the side effects of Lady Prelox?
No severe side effect for this medication has been discovered in clinical trials as of now.
How to take Lady Prelox?
A person is to take two pills daily or as prescribe by a doctor, preferably after a meal. You should begin to notice an improvement in your desire for sex and sexual satisfaction within as little as four weeks of taking this medication.
As per the latest studies, Addyl doesnt work very well