
Polio – Types, Causes and Symptoms

Poliomyelitis a paralytic disease commonly known as Polio or infantile paralysis is a crippling and life threatening diseases that is caused by the polio...

12 Home Remedies for Meningitis

In our previous article, we talked about meningitis, the types, symptoms and complications; in this article we will be looking at natural cures and...

Meningitis: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Meningitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cords; this rare infection affects the delicate membranes...
Safety restaurant

7 Food Safety Violations That May Impact Your Health at Your Favorite Restaurant

You go to local restaurants, eat their food and never know what health issues there are in the kitchen. There are major health issues...
Power Naps

Power Naps: The Overwhelming Benefits of Power Napping

With a busy and hectic schedule, it is often difficult to get as much sleep time as our body requires to stay healthy, alert...

Magnetic Pulses Healing Medication-Resistant Depression

Depression is the great disruptor.  As one of the most common mental health disorders among Americans, the often debilitating symptoms of major depression can...

Feeding the World: Farming Gets Its Sea Legs

The world is shrinking. Not literally, of course. When it comes to mass, our planet is the same size it’s been for billions of years....

Big Cosmetic Trends You Should Try in 2018

Some things never change, but on the other hand, some change way too often and way too fast for us to grasp them. Trends...
Wound Infection

What Is Wound Infection?

A wound is an internal or external break in body tissues; it is an injury that is caused by a blow, cut or puncture...
Dental X-rays

Everything You Need to Know About Dental X-rays

A dental X-ray examination is helpful in identifying a number of teeth and gum related diseases that are not discernible in an oral examination....