Everything You Need to Know About Yoga and Wellness

Yoga  is a practice that comes with a lot of confusion and misinformation because of the complexity surrounding it. Some consider this practice to be...

10 Steps to Consider Immediately to Reverse Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain can creep up on you over the years and can cause a big impact on our lives. Pain requires the body...

How Does Tech Affect Your Health? Depends on Your Age?

In the last decade, technology has effectively become a part of our lives. A never-before-seen number of families have at least one personal computer...
Debt and Mental Health

Debt and Mental Health: Finding a Balance and a Solution

Remember when the consummate mantra for the average man was doing whatever made you feel happy? That was before debt. People fell in love...

12 Ways to Keep Your Hair Healthy This Summer

If your summer plans include lazy beach days, long hikes and soaking up the sun, your hair may be in for some serious torture. Taking...
Meal Replacements

Meal Replacements… Done Right

You missed your alarm and now have only fifteen minutes to wake up, get dressed, prepare your morning meal, and get to work. In...

Tips to Follow When Buying CBD Medical Hemp Oil

Nowadays, the CBD medical oil industry is on fire. Some experts even said that it could become so profitable, that it will be as...
Stress Levels

Natural Ways to Relieve Stress the Silent Killer

Stress is the natural way the body responds to threats or any type of demand; when the body senses a real or imagined danger,...

Endometriosis: Breaking Through 6 Common Myths

Often brushed off as a perceived condition, endometriosis is coming to the forefront of discussions among medical professionals, patient advocacy organisations, and women living...
Woman tattoos

Varicose Veins and Tattoos – What You Should Know?

Although young people might well consider themselves immune to varicose veins, the truth is that anyone can develop the condition and it is something...