It is never a good idea to mix alcohol and other substances. This does not mean that it isn’t a common practice, however.
Therefore, it can be helpful to know exactly how mixing alcohol and various other drugs can affect your body. Here is a list of the most dangerous alcohol and drug combinations.
Although we have a fairly large list of dangerous alcohol and drug combinations, there may be some that are not included here. You should always ask a doctor before mixing prescription drugs and alcohol or other drugs.
Alcohol and Cocaine
The effects of cocaine abuse are dangerous enough. However, drinking alcohol and doing cocaine at the same time is not uncommon.
In fact this deadly combination is the cause of an estimated third of drug related ER visits. Alcohol is a depressant and Cocaine is a stimulant, so combining the two can make people feel less intoxicated than they actually are.
This increases the risk of alcohol poisoning. Mixing these two substances also increases blood pressure and heart rate, which can easily cause heart attack and cardiac arrest. A toxin called cocaethylene is produced as well.
This can damage the immune system, heart, and liver. This toxin can kill up to 18 hours after these two substances were abused together.
Alcohol and Heroin
Heroin is already one of the most dangerous drug detox processes that you can go through, so it should be no surprise that it is life threatening to mix this drug with alcohol.
These are both depressants that affect the central nervous system. As a result, combining heroin with alcohol can easily cause breathing and the heart to stop altogether.
Alcohol and Ecstacy
Taking ecstasy and alcohol together increases the intensity of the euphoric effects of ecstasy. This can increase risky sexual and other decision making behaviors.
In addition to this, many people abusing both substances at the same time are more likely to develop alcohol poisoning because they are less likely to recognize the amount of alcohol they have consumed.
Alcohol and Benzos
Benzodiazepines like Valium and Xanax are unfortunately commonly used along with alcohol. This combination can cause shallow breathing, brain damage, liver damage, and memory loss.
It also increases the effects of alcohol, which makes alcohol poisoning more likely. Another effect of this reaction is extreme dizziness, fatigue, and confusion. This can easily cause dangerous accidents.
Alcohol and Prescribed Opioids
Mixing alcohol and prescription opioids together has similar effects to mixing alcohol with heroin. However, this combination is much more common.
Combining two powerful depressants like this slows down body function.
This can cause things like slowed breathing, coma, and cardiac arrest. Although many people addicted to opioids require drug rehab already, this is even more true when alcohol is also involved.
Alcohol and Antidepressants
The effects of combining alcohol and antidepressants varies depending on the specific antidepressant type. Heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and breathing irregularities are common.
Other effects similar to mixing a sedative with alcohol such as falling into a coma are also possible. For specific information refer to your antidepressant’s drug information and consult your doctor.
Alcohol and Adderall
ADHD is a very common disorder, so many people take Adderall. It is a common drug that people abuse as well. Therefore, this is a common drug mixed with alcohol in individuals who may otherwise practice sober living.
Similar to other drugs on this list, Adderall is a stimulant while alcohol is a depressant. The result of combining these two substances makes people less likely to see when they have had too much to drink, which increases the risk for alcohol poisoning.
Alcohol and Prescribed Sleep Medications
Like antidepressants, the exact effects of mixing alcohol with prescription sleep medications varies depending on the specific drug. Effects similar to those of mixing benzos and alcohol are common, however.
These include dizziness, confusion, and extreme fatigue and drowsiness. Coma and cardiac or respiratory arrest are also possible.
For information specific to you, you can find information on mixing your sleep medication with alcohol online or by consulting with your doctor.
Alcohol and Cold Medicine with DXM
DXM is common in many over-the- counter cold medicines like Theraflu, Tylenol, and Dayquil and Nyquil. Mixing these types of medications with alcohol in excess can cause affects that are similar to that of mixing alcohol with sedatives.
These effects are slowed breathing, extreme drowsiness and fatigue, and coma.
Mixing alcohol with drugs can be extremely dangerous and even life threatening in certain situations. This is especially true when combining alcohol with powerful and potent drugs like cocaine and heroin.
However, prescription drugs can be just as deadly when mixed with alcohol. As a result, you should always consult your doctor and do your research before drinking alcohol if you are taking any kind of prescription medication.