The Sweat with Kayla app for iPhone and Android is causing a stir in the fitness community. Not just among those on the look-out for new fitness apps and trends but it has even caused controversy amongst long term Kayla Itsines fans, some of whom are claiming the Sweat with Kayla app isn’t worth the money that it costs.
There is no denying that the Kayla Itsines app (BBG) is an expensive investment. Although the benefits and the incredible transformation photos, let alone Kayla’s own enviable abs, are reason enough to convince many to fork out.
Sweat with Kayla App Cost
The app costs $4.61 per week for the 12 week program (normally $120 for 12 week meal plans). You also have the option of purchasing 3 months in one lump, for the price of $59.99. We will discuss what you get for this price later on.
In comparison to her PDF versions of the guide, it is arguable whether or not the app is more cost effective. If you purchase two guides, which is the equivalent of 24 weeks of plans, and a meal plan, it will cost you $189.94.
You can use these whenever you like, and keep them for life. If you download the app and pay the subscription, the total of 24 weeks will come to $110, which is obviously a lot cheaper. However, as soon as you cancel you lose access to the app and all the guides.
There is also the option of a free 7-day trial of the BBG, which is an ideal way to get an idea of the type of workouts you would be doing, what the nutritional plan is like and whether they would suit you and your lifestyle.
If you find these things completely unsuitable for you, the Kayla Itsines App definitely won’t be worth your money!
Kayla Itsines App Workout Features
The workouts are essentially three half hour (or 28 minutes to be more precise) session per week. There is also additional stretching and lighter cardio sessions to complete in between.
These short workouts are then divided into four 7 minute intervals. This style of interval training has proved incredibly effective in fat burning – the main goal of using a fitness app of this type.
With the app you just start the timer on your phone and complete the workouts that are listed:
- First 7 minutes – interval training 1
- Second 7 minutes – interval training 2
- Third 7 minutes – interval training 1
- Fourth 7 minutes – interval training 2
Essentially you are going two different sets of workouts for seven minutes each. Although this doesn’t sound like a very long time to be working out, the pace of the workouts is very intense. I can guarantee you will be sweating by the end of it!
All these exercises can be modified to your needs. So if you feel you aren’t capable of going at the pace suggested, and need some time to build up to this, you can do so. This makes the Sweat with Kayla app more appealing, regardless of your fitness experience and current level of health.
As you progress through the guides, of course the workouts will get harder – you have to keep challenging yourself!
Will I need gym membership or equipment?
The app has workouts that can be adapted to be completed either at the gym, in the outdoors, if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with little rain! Or in the privacy of your own home.
There is some equipment that is required to complete the different levels of the Bikini Body Guide that are included on the app. Most of the workouts can be adapted to do without all of the equipment, but make sure you consider what you may need before beginning the programme, as this could be another costly aspect of using the app!
It is recommended to have the following equipment available:
For the BBTG 1.0
- Bosu (half ball)
- Dumbbells (3-6kg each)
- Medicine Ball (6-12 kg)
- Skipping Rope
- 1-2 Flat Benches (30cm+)
For the BBTG 2.0
- Barbell
- Dumbbells
- Flat Bench (30cm+)
- Kettlebell (8-15kg)
- Medicine Ball (6-12kg)
- Skipping Rope
If you already have a gym membership, these items will likely be provided there for you. However, if you are planning on working out at home you will have to purchase some of these items. Especially if you want to get the full benefit of the app.
Kayla also recommends have the following with you when you are working out:
- Drink Bottle
- Foam Roller
- Sweat Towel
- Yoga Mat
- Music!
An example of being able to do the exercises without the equipment is the bosu burpees. The bosu is like half an exercise ball, which is used for a number of exercises, especially ones which require balance.
The bosu burpees are essentially regular burpees which incorporate the use of a bosu ball. Obviously, you can still get just as good a workout from doing normal burpees. The equipment just helps add variety to your routine.
The most essential equipment is a step or a bench, which you can usually use a low chair or couch for, dumbbells or weights and a skipping rope.
Does the app include any additional features?
The Sweat with Kayla App does include more features that the PDF versions, the user friendly and excellent design of the app make it a very appealing option for accessing the BBG.
There are also additional bonus challenges included and a feature which allows you to upload progress photos – which can be a very effective way of staying motivated.
As well as the workout guide there is the nutrition guide, which includes a meal plan and recipe book, and options to have this in vegetarian or vegan versions. There app is available in a variety of languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, German not to mention, English.
So… Is it worth the money?
If you have never used Kayla Itines’ guides before this app is definitely worth the money for 12 weeks. Everything will be new to you, and the convenience of having the app with you at all times will keep you motivated to reach your fitness goals.
If you already have access to the BBGs, it may not be worth subscribing to Sweat with Kayla app until more features have been added.