When you own an Android phone, you will find that there many apps available in the android market that are created to make life easier and interesting.
If you are health and fitness conscious, then here is some good news to you. You can also find many health and fitness related apps for android phones.
With these fitness apps for android, you can stay healthy and fit. These apps will help you to stay in touch with the health of your body and flaunt the most wanted look out of your muscle chiseled body.
These apps are easily downloadable and would be highly helpful in helping you keep fit. You can learn few new workouts, follow a perfect diet plan and keep a track on all your medical parameters just to make sure you are hale and healthy.
Lift Pro 3 Fitness Tracker:
This is one among the best available fitness apps for android as it helps you to keep a track on all your routine that involves even your workouts.
You can create, track, manage and edit your workout pattern and also learn over 100 new exercises that has respective diagrams. download Lift Pro 3 Fitness Tracker from Playstore
Sportypal Pro App:
If you prefer a fitness regime that includes jogging, cycling, biking or skiing then this is an effective app for training. You can have a goal set it and calculate your performance too.
Some other exceptional features include tracker based on GPS, web account sync and heart rate support. You can proceed to calculate your overall performance for a month and know how many calories you have burnt each day. Click here to get Sportypal Pro
Weight Loss Hypnosis App:
If you are aiming at weight loss but are not able to control your food cravings then this app is for you. This application offers you hypnosis on why to lose weight and its benefits.
It helps you to attain a mind set to lose weight through strict dieting and workouts. The motivational video interviews and audio sessions help you further. No wonder this application finds a place in fitness apps for Android. download it from the Playstore Now.
Acupressure Treat Yourself App:
If you are experiencing too much pain following an intense workout session then make sure that you use this application to ease the pain away.
This application features instructions that are illustrated with various acupressure points to massage. This application is great for pain relief and areas having circulatory disorder. Click here to Download
Body exercises App:
This app has pictorial explanations of various types of workouts for men. You can find illustrations to develop your chest muscles, shoulder, neck, biceps, triceps etc.
So you can begin a fitness regime with this workout app that has step to step instructions. You can find these fitness apps for android free in android market.
BMI Calculator App:
Knowing your Body Mass Index or BMI is necessary for you to know whether you are underweight or overweight.
This app guides you through different levels of BMI and also supports metric measurement units. As soon as you enter the details about you the instantly computed results get displayed on screen. Download BMI Calculator – Weight Loss