In-Home Care

When your senior is diagnosed with a sickness such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, they need full attention and care. This is to ensure that they take their medication on time and that their schedules are in place, such as sleeping and exercising. However, no matter how willing you might be to help them, you have some bills and other business that need to be handled. This is why it’s vital to consider contacting an Senior Care provider in Great Falls, VA such as Capital City Nurses to help your loved one manage their condition. The change that most people experience is hiring an in-house care provider. Most people don’t know where to start and who to choose. This article will explore tips for choosing an in-house care health care provider.

Define Your Needs

When looking for an in-house health care provider, the patient must be kept in mind. Take time and assess the type of services that your loved one requires and the type of condition they have. This will help you narrow the search of care providers to only those that fit the needs that your loved one requires. Please list all the essential care they require, such as maintaining their household and self-hygiene. You should also include the skill set the health care should have. This way, you will know the kind of services to seek.

Research and Plan Ahead

Most decisions will come from you when your loved one has a health issue, especially involving the brain. Take your time and search for agencies that can provide the kind of services that will match your loved one’s needs. However, it would help if you were cautious, as many people claim to be health care providers, but they are not qualified. Consult with social workers to give you a list of agencies that will provide you with the type of services you seek. It is also vital to look for reviews and testimonials of the health care agencies you have selected. Going the extra mile of calling the referee is a wise decision to receive first-hand information about how the agency executes its services.

Consider Checking the Staff Recruitment and Training

When you have an idea of the agency, you might be interested in ensuring you read their mission statement to get an idea of what the health providers believe in. It’s also wise to check how long they have been in service and the type of recruitment they do with their staff. Inquire about how the agency runs a background check on their staff to ensure they have no criminal records or bad reputation. This is crucial as you can hold them accountable in case of malpractice by the health care provider.

A good agency will always back their staff up since they believe in them and are sure they have vetted them accordingly. You should also confirm the qualification of the health care provider assigned to you to ensure you have the necessary skills and good first aid response in emergencies such as heart attacks and seizures.

Have a Chat with the Caregiver

After doing your research with a particular agency it’s time to talk to the specific caregiver assigned to help your loved one. It’s also essential to speak with the other staff and try to create a bond with them. This way, you can consult in case you think the caregiver assigned to you did something off. It’s good to check if the assigned caregiver has been informed about the situation of your loved ones and if they are capable of delivering the services that your loved one requires. You should also note their communication skills and how friendly they are. If you think they will be incapable of executing the task, you can talk to the agency to give you another caregiver that will be capable. Brief them about your loved one’s conditions, the does and don’ts, and how you expect them to treat your loved one.


It’s good to think critically before choosing the agency you want. Talk to your loved ones about it and hear what they have to say and the things they will need. However, don’t leave all the work to the caregiver. Be there often and talk with your loved ones to know how they are doing. It is essential to ensure your budget is within your limits to avoid overstretching and taking debts unnecessarily.