A dental emergency can be anything from a broken tooth to a severe tooth ache. In these situations, it is always best to act quickly, as a delay will only make matters worse. Situations such as a broken jaw require emergency treatment, while others may be able to wait until a scheduled appointment.

Whatever the case may be, you should not hesitate to contact your dentist. Below, you will discover several tips that will help you during a dental emergency.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Contrary to belief, knocked-out teeth are very uncommon unless it involves adults who play sports. In the event you have a tooth knocked out, you should immediately place it in “lukewarm water.” It is crucial to avoid scrubbing or scrapping the tooth, because this could damage it. Also, never use alcohol to remove dirt from the teeth. Instead, just let it soak in the lukewarm water for up to 10 seconds.
While the tooth is soaking, place sterile gauze in the socket to control the bleeding. Once the bleeding is controlled, you should try to reinsert the permanent tooth back into its socket. If this is not possible, place the tooth in saline if you have it, or in milk if this is not available. Immediately contact a dentist and be seen as soon as possible.

If you do not have milk or saline, rinse the tooth and place it inside your mouth between your cheek and the gum above the top teeth being careful not to swallow the tooth. This will prevent the tooth from drying out and it increases the chances of the tooth being saved. Use a cool compress to reduce any swelling or pain you may be experiencing.

Broken Teeth

Unlike knocked-out teeth, broken teeth are extremely common among children and adults. It is important to note that broken teeth should never be treated at home. This condition will prompt an emergency visit to the MGA Dental emergency dentist.

As soon as you notice your tooth is broken, you should contact your dentist to book an emergency appointment. If you do not experience any pain or swallowing difficulties, your broken tooth may not be an emergency. However, you should still contact your dentist to schedule an appointment for the following day.

Once you’ve contacted your dentist, rinse your mouth with warm salt water, take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen and see the dentist. Before you see the dentist, it is advised to eat only soft foods and avoid the broken tooth.


Toothaches are extremely hard to ignore, but some people will tend to ignore them anyway. The onset of symptoms related to a toothache may be minor, but if left untreated it will gradually get worse. If your toothache is caused by food accumulation between teeth, use dental floss to remove it.

While you wait for your dental appointment, apply a cold compress to your cheek. It is never wise to put an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as aspirin, on or near your painful tooth. These medications can burn the gum tissue and cause your condition to worsen.

Objects Between Teeth

While it is easy to remove most objects lodged between teeth, there may be occasions when it is impossible. When an object gets lodged between your teeth, you should attempt to remove it with dental floss. Never utilize a sharp object, such as a pin to remove the object, because this will risk cutting your gums or scratching your tooth enamel.

Lodged objects do not always require an emergency dental visit. However, if accompanied by severe pain, you should immediately contact your dentist office to schedule an appointment.

Lost Filling

Lost fillings are very common. If you have a filling that fell out, you should immediately cover the cavity with a piece of sugar-free gum. It is okay to take an over-the-counter pain reliever for pain. But, you should still see your dentist as soon as possible.

A lost crown should not be treated in the same manner as a lost filling. If your crown falls out, cover the tooth with toothpaste or over-the-counter dental cement and replace it back over the tooth. In any case, see the dentist as soon as possible.