Facial Cleansing

The Bad Habits that are Damaging Your Skin

We all want brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin. However, for many of us, skin damage and the signs of aging keep that perfect complexion at...

Signs that you are Balding and why Hair Transplant Could be Best bet

You perhaps wouldn’t want to wake up one fine day with a bladed head, but balding is a phenomenon that is also ignored by...

7 Unique Tips to Avoiding Cavities

Busy lifestyles pose a challenge to vigilant dental care. Between rushing to destinations, squeezing in meals, and completing "To Do" lists, cavities can develop....
Calorie Counting

Is Calorie Counting the Best way to Lose Weight?

A lot of diet plans emphasize that eating right is all about playing with numbers. As long as you consume “X” calories and you...
Healthier Dessert

Healthier Dessert Options to Not Feel Guilty About

When you’re watching your calories, often one of the first sacrifices you make will be dessert. Every so often, even when watching your calories,...

3 Signs You May Need Stronger Eyeglasses

Some people start wearing glasses from the time they're small children while others only develop problems as they creep up in years.  According to...
Smile Makeover

3 Reasons to Have a Smile Makeover

The state of one's smile is not a mere aesthetic concern. A quick glance at someone's teeth can reveal the state of her overall...

Why Pomegranate Should Be a Part of Your Everyday Diet

Pomegranate is believed to be the most royal fruit that was mentioned in several ancient doctrinal books due its everlasting health benefits. Even the...
Tobacco Smoke

How Tobacco Smoke Pollute the Air?

Smoking not only upsets the smoker’s health, it also significantly influences the nearby atmosphere. Smoke and cigarette casks affect the setting the most, subsequently, into air,...
Smooth Face

Things to do For A Clean and Smooth Face Skin

These times that we live in are marked by the external appearances more than what the person is from the inside. When you have...