Vagina Larger After Childbirth

Will My Vagina Be Larger or Loose After Childbirth?

For almost every woman, becoming a mother is a goal that has to be achieved. However, asides the pain that comes with labour and...
Blocked Fallopian Tube

Blocked Fallopian Tube – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The female reproductive organ that connects the ovaries and the uterus is known as the Fallopian tubes. During ovulation every month, which occurs around...
Obstetric Ultrasound

Obstetric Ultrasound: Purpose and Procedure

Obstetric ultrasound is used to monitor a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. It is a painless imaging method that helps to produce the...

Galactorrhea: Lactating but Not Pregnant? Here’s Why

There is a growing awareness of the importance of self-breast examination. A lot of women are learning to check for irregularities in their breasts...
Acne During Pregnancy

Treating Acne During Pregnancy

Acne and some other skin irritation during pregnancy is very common amongst women. Acne outbreaks are most common during the first three to six...
Prenatal Vitamins

Is It Safe to Take Prenatal Vitamins Without Pregnancy?

When most people see a pregnant woman eating so much food, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is oh well, she's...
Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedy

Diaper rash is one discomforting skin problem that our sweet little humans have to deal with. No Mother likes the sight of these irritations,...
Contraceptive Pills

Contraceptive Pills and Their Side Effects

Contraceptive pills are medicines used to prevent pregnancy. They are also called birth control. They are made using one or more synthetic female hormones. Contraceptive...

Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraceptive – Uses and Side Effects

Levonorgestrel is an emergency hormonal contraceptives taken by women to prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex or after a birth control method failed like...
Ella Emergency Contraceptive

Ella Emergency Contraceptive: Uses and Side Effects

Ella, also known as Ulipristal is an emergency contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy in women after having unprotected sex or a birth control method...