A home gives you a sense of comfort at the end of the day. You always look forward to going back to your happy place. But there might be a chance that your happy place is not safe for you.
Ever heard of Indoor pollution?
Indoor air pollution is the degradation of indoor air quality by harmful chemicals and other materials.
It is observed that indoor air contains ten times more concentration of pollutants than outdoor air. A World Health Organization (WHO) report showed that indoor air pollution accounts for nearly three percent of global burden of diseases.
Hence, for many, the health risks due to the exposure to air pollution indoors may be far greater than outdoors.
Here are some of the common sources of indoor air pollution:
- Dust Mites: Dust mites are invisible microorganisms that hide in your furniture, carpets, mattresses and curtains and can cause allergies, rashes and breathing disorders. The faecal droppings of these dust mites contain enzymes that result in allergic complications. Hence, it is necessary to deep clean your home with a vacuum cleaner to keep them at bay.
- Dander: For people with pets in their homes, a common source of indoor pollution is pet dander (similar to dandruff in humans). As pet dander is light in weight, it lingers in the air longer and causes irritation. It is advisory to brush the pet regularly outside the home to prevent the dander being spread inside.
- Molds & Bacteria: Molds naturally grow in the atmosphere, but is a major issue when they grow inside your home. Pollens (tiny grains in the air) enter your home with the air and get settled inside. This leads to respiratory allergies. Wet surfaces, humid atmosphere, leads to the breeding of bacteria fever, lethargy, digestive problems, etc.
- Cleaning and Aerosol Products: VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) are gases which are emitted through a certain sets of solids and liquids. Domestic products like paints, aerosol sprays, wood preservatives, cleansers and disinfectants are the primary sources that emit VOCs . These chemicals have both long term and short term health effects
- Poor Ventilation: During summers, people prefer to keep their doors, windows closed and switch on the air conditioner. This not only blocks the circulation of fresh air, but also decreases the quality of air in the room. Poor quality of air results in health concerns like eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, and respiratory concerns.
- Smoke: Over 3.8 million people suffer from terminal diseases due to household air pollution. This type of pollution consists of cooking fumes, cigarettes, candles, and mosquito coils. Hence, it is always advised to regulate the direction of this smoke outside through open windows or exhaust fans.
Your home is surely your happy place, but it’s your responsibility to make it safe. So reduce indoor air pollution by investing in a good air purifier that contains a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.
This filter is designed with a significant Nano-scale technology. The unique Nano-fibre structure can eliminate ultra-fine particles like bacteria, pollen, and mold with a greater efficiency.
So, take a step towards making your home a healthy one for your loved ones by investing in a good air purifier!