It never feels good to be unhappy about the way you look. A lot of people are self-concision about their looks these days and a lot of this stems back to the nose.
The nose is without a doubt one of the major components of the face. Given its location, it’s not something that you can really hide either. While there are some tricks you can do with cosmetics and makeup, you won’t likely be able to hide the biggest of flaws.
Regardless, if you are unhappy with the size, shape, or current condition of your nose, you’ve likely been putting in research. This is probably how you ended up here.
During your research, you’ve also likely discovered that there are a variety of cosmetic options available to you. Cosmetic options that can quickly and easily alter the size, shape, and overall appearance of your nose.
One of these options, and probably the best one available, is known as rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is sometimes referred to as a nose lift, but it is a type of procedure that alters the size, shape, and appearance of the nose.
Why Most Patients Choose Rhinoplasty
Despite what one might believe, when you enquire about rhinoplasty, you’ll quickly discover that the single term alone can refer to a wide range of elements.
Nose surgery can mean everything from altering the size and shape of the nostrils to altering the size and shape of the bridge of the nose. It could also mean altering the tip or other pertinent structures.
Regardless, the goal is to harmonize the shape and portion of the nose with the rest of the face. Rhinoplasty is not only a procedure that’s done for cosmetic purposes, but it’s a procedure that can be done to improve the function of the nose.
Both cosmetic and functional operations are closely linked due to the fact that the form and function of the nose are intertwined. If a nose is asymmetrical on the outside, it’s likely due to the fact that the internal structures are misaligned, throwing off the outer appearance.
These irregularities not only affect the overall appearance of the nose, but they can impede the function of the nose as well. Appearance and functionality are the two most common reasons that people undergo rhinoplasty surgery today.
Functional Rhinoplasty
Two of the most common problems that are related to nose function are narrow nasal passages and crooked or deviated septums. Someone’s septum can be misaligned due to natural development, or it may happen because of trauma.
When a procedure like this is performed on its own, it is usually referred to as septoplasty. This is usually corrected by positioning the cartilage of the nose so that it now sits vertical, instead of at an angle.
This not only changes the overall appearance of the nose, but it can allow air to move more freely through the nose. Other common function problems that many faces today are allergies, hormones, or sinus infections.
In the severest of cases, these conditions can lead to turbinates becoming enlarged. This is also a condition known as nasal conchae because it causes the structure to take on a shell-like shape.
Fixing a problem like this usually requires removing tissue to provide more open space. Open space that allows more and more air to pass by.
Cosmetic Rhinoplasty
People not only visit Dr. Dennis Chua for functional rhinoplasty surgeries, but they also visit him for cosmetic reasons. They simply aren’t happy with the size, shape, or appearance of their nose.
This is completely understandable, as the nose is a prominent component of the face and something that plays a major role in your overall looks.
That being said, patients that are usually pursuing cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery are usually doing so because of asymmetry issues. A nose that leans, tilts, or points can draw negative unwanted attention.
There are, however, other cosmetic issues that can be corrected with this type of surgery. These could include wide nostrils, a pinched or bulbous bump or dip, or a pointy tip.
Most people that feel like their noses are too large oftentimes discover that there is one particular feature of the nose that they are simply not happy with.
Most of the time fixing such problems requires making the nose better balanced with the eyes, mouth, forehead, and other components of the face.