Facial surgeries can make a person feel self-confident and human again. Getting the correct procedure performed can also take years off your perceived age and correct genetic facial abnormalities. Are you thinking about changing something on your face? That drooping eyelid, those non-existent cheekbones?
Today we outline the top eight facial surgeries that are undertaken by patients for both cosmetic enhancement and correction.
Face Lift
A facelift is the most complete facial surgery that you can have to correct aging skin across the entire face. The medical term for the procedure is Meloplasty or Rhytidectomy, performed by a qualified face lift surgeon. A facelift can help with removing that drooping skin, wrinkles, and the downward sag that can come with aging. The skin on your face is lifted up and stretched across to provide a more youthful appearance, and is popular with patients in their 50s and beyond. If you feel that you have skin drooping across the entirety of your face, then this procedure may be the right one for you.
Neck Lift
A neck lift – medical name Platysmaplasty – is performed for patients that have excessive skin or looseness in the neck. Whereas a face lift corrects drooping in the face, a neck lift corrects drooping in the neck. Pre op patients are people who complain of having skin akin to a turkey’s wattle in the neck region. Although this procedure is popular with older patients also, this condition can occur earlier on in life too. It’s not uncommon for younger patients – those 30 and older – to request a neck lift.
Brow Lift
A brow lift (or foreheadplasty) is designed to assist those with dragging upper brows, or sagging eyes in general. There are a few different types of types of brow lifts that can be performed, with differing results. A brow lift can correct the shape of the eye and lids and give a younger look. It can be combined along with eyebrow elevation surgery for even more dramatic results. The procedure is generally performed on those that are 35+. For younger patients, unless overt, a combination of Botox and fillers is usually preferred to a brow lift.
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid surgery, aka an eye lift or Blepharoplasty, removes excess skin and/or adds or removes excess fat that can be present in the upper or lower eyelid region. Excess skin or fat here can lead to puffy looking eyes, large bags, obscured vision, and/or an aged look. There are many different complaints that can be corrected via eyelid surgery. An eyelid surgery is usually performed on those 35 and older, however genetic traits may have younger patients taking up the surgery too. A popular off shoot of eyelid surgery is double eyelid surgery, a procedure performed on Asian eyes to add a crease into the upper eyelid.
Ear Surgery
Ear surgery, or ear pinning has been one of the most popular facial surgeries for many years. The surgery is designed to set outstanding ears closer to the head so that they give off less of a winged appearance. The medical name for ear surgery is otoplasty, and variations of the surgery can reshape the ear cartilage, change or rebuild ear lobes, and remove wrinkles on the ear. Ear surgery is the one plastic surgery where patients are generally younger – with procedures common at between two and five years, and also once they reach a teenage age. Otoplasty is also performed for older patients who have a desire to correct their ears.
Cheek Surgery
There are two different types of facial surgeries that come under the term cheek surgery. The first is cheek augmentation, which lifts the cheek by adding an implant below the surface of the skin, generally in the cheekbone region, to better highlight facial structure. The second of these two surgeries is cheek reduction, where either bone is shaved from the cheekbones, or fat is removed from the cheeks to slim the facial shape overall. Cheek surgery is recommended for those that are overly conscious of their cheeks, and can be performed for any patient, once they’ve finished growing.
Chin Surgery
Chin surgery, which goes by the medical name of genioplasty or mentoplasy, is the procedure which patients undertake to change the shape of their chin. There are two types of chin surgery that may be performed – the first being a chin implant, to correct for those people with a small or receding chin, and the second being a chin reduction, for those that feel their chin extends too far from their face. It can be a positive outcome for those that are unhappy with the bottom frame of their face, and is performed on adult patients.
Fat Transfer
Fat transfer is the procedure that takes fat from one part of the body and deposits it in another. Other names for fat transfer include lipostructure and fat grafting. Fat transfer can be used to infill hollows, wrinkles, and lines in the face, including nasiolabal folds, frown lines, the chin, lips, tear troughs, and pretty much anywhere else that you can imagine. The method provides a natural alternative to other fillers like Restylane and Juvaderm, and carries a zero percent chance of rejection, since the filler is sourced directly from your own body. Fat transfer surgery may be performed on patients of 20 and above, and can also be performed in other areas that the patient wishes to plump, such as the breasts and buttocks.
If you are considering facial surgery, it’s best to chat with the experts about what they can do for you. You will never regret making an appointment with a well-regarded plastic surgeon to discuss the options available to you, when perfecting your look. If you are unhappy with your features, then they can help to figure out a way forward for your exact situation. There is no point in being unhappy with the way that you look – it’s time to invest in yourself and your future.
Summary: Find out the top eight facial plastic surgeries, and what they can achieve when it comes to correcting and enhancing your looks.
Author Bio:
Dr. Michael Zacharia is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Head and Neck (Otolaryngology) and specialises in Facial Plastic Surgery. With over 4000 Rhinoplasty procedures performed throughout his career, Dr. Zacharia’s ability to achieve natural looking beauty using facial rejuvenation has earned him a prestigious reputation amongst the public, as well as within the medical community. Since 1998, Dr. Zacharia has been one of two directors at Bondi Junction Private Hospital (BJPH), located at 21 Spring Street, Bondi Junction.