Sometimes, the bones and joints problems during menopause lead to osteoporosis. Some women think that the problem is part of menopause. Unfortunately, this is similarly the case with most health practitioners. However, this is not the fact. The condition may affect women at the stages of menopause for different reasons. Notably, not all women who go through the menopause stage suffer from arthritis condition. It is still essential to remember and to keep in mind that there are preventive measures that can prevent the occurrence of the problem and situation.

Apparently, women are faced with several challenges at the stages of menopause. Some are struggling to understand their bodies and the changes while others are getting used to their new stage. For this reason, many women may suffer many conditions for failure to maintain good care of self.
Why osteoporosis at Menopause?

There are various changes that occur in women during their stage in menopause. Mostly emotional and hormonal changes are common. The hormonal changes are likely due to the bone building process.  Estrogen reduction in the body is usually one major thing that occurs. The reduction in the production or release of this hormone inhibits the processes that support the bones and prevent their breakdown. In other words, estrogen helps in the preservation of the calcium mineral in the body.  The hormone is essential for protecting, strengthening the bones and also preventing their break down.  Low levels of the hormone progesterone also affect the bones negatively. It inhibits bone repair and speeds up the breaking of the bones. The condition weakens the bones and joints and sometimes comes with a lot of pain.

Preventing Osteoporosis

There are some Ways women can prevent the occurrence of the problem in the bones and joints.


It is vital to do workouts more regularly. Regular exercise is essential for the bones and the joints. The habit of exercising is essential for maintaining the strength and the health of bones, joints, and the muscles.  It is thus important in the prevention of bone loss in the body during menopause.  It is vital in making and keeping you mobile and active. In other words, it helps to increase and improve the flexibility of the joints.  Play table tennis, practice walking and jogging and dance to help- the bones remain strong.  Simply, do some good weight bearing workouts to improve bone health.

Eat Foods High in Calcium

Sometimes, the body is deficient in the mineral due to changes in the hormone production. It is essential to include more calcium in the diet for the health of the bones. Even if you use the menopause supplements, do not ignore proper dieting. Sometimes getting supplements for the mineral is advisable.  You need to increase the intake of daily products, vegetables and fruits also. Most of them are healthy options and are vitamin C rich.

Vitamin D

The body needs the vitamin for the absorption of the calcium mineral into the system. The calcium helps the bones by maintaining their health and strength. In addition, it prevents the breaking of the bones.  Take enough vitamin D everyday to utilize fully the calcium in the body.


Menopause supplements are essential for women in the stage. In addition, women need to take estrogen supplements. The estrogen is essential in ensuring the bones remain strong. It does that by ensuring the presence of the calcium mineral in the body. This way, bone breakages reduces.

Avoid Certain Medication

Some medications are dangerous for the bones and their health. For example medication for seizure is harmful to the bones and the joints.  Other medications include blood thinners and thyroid medication.  They tend to increase the rate of bone loss in the body.  The improper use of the drugs as per the prescription or as per the directions increases the risk of the condition.  It is vital to practice good lifestyle behavior.

Other Preventive Measures

It is essential to reduce and limit the intake of alcohol and stop smoking. The two are likely to affect the bones negatively. They may increase the loss of bones in the body.  Too much alcohol intake, for example, increases the likelihood of falling out of bones. Instead, use proper lifestyle skills to keep the bones in shape. In addition include the menopause supplements in the plan.

Menopause and Body Changes – What You Need to Know


Notably, there is a link or an association between osteoporosis with the menopause stage. The reduced hormone production affects the bones negatively. As mentioned earlier, proper planning for your health and use of proper lifestyle habits are both essential to maintain strong and healthy bones.

Author Bio:

Ella James is an aspiring author who is pursuing Health Services Administration degree from St. Petersburg College. She is an active contributor to Consumer Health Digest, which is a leading Health News. In recent years, she had the opportunity to write lip plumper reviews. Get connected with her on Facebook and Twitter.