IVF or in vitro fertilization has been used worldwide for almost 40 years. For many couples, this is the only way to have children.
IVF can help even in cases where natural conception is almost impossible. What is this procedure, is it safe, how to prepare for IVF and how much will it cost?
The basic principle of IVF is that the sperm and egg are not found in the female body, but in the in-vitro of an embryologist.
This allows you to control the entire process from the moment when the gametes encounter to the formation of a healthy embryo and its transfer to the uterus.
International IVF center is a good opportunity to become parents. Even though IVF is the most effective method of infertility treatment today, it still does not guarantee a 100% positive result. Some women cannot bear a child even after IVF. Then, there is an option to try surrogacy.
Surrogacy is one of the methods of supported reproductive technology in which the embryo taken after in vitro fertilization of the germ organules of the genetic parents is assigned to the uterus of another woman (surrogate mother) for further bearing and giving birth.
Embryo transfer
Technically, the surrogate embryo transfer procedure is not complicated. Typically, the manipulation is carried out without anesthesia and on a gynecological chair: the doctor inserts a special catheter into the uterus.
Sometimes (at the discretion of the doctor) they can simply give medicine with a sedative effect, but this is all done more to calm the patient, and so that she could sleep well after the procedure.
First, the embryos prepared for transfer are loaded into a special catheter, which is a thin tube made of plastic, which is passed through the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity.
An ultrasound scanner is used to monitor during the procedure. The transfer takes from 5 to 25 minutes: the time depends on the skill of the physician.
Once in the uterus, they cannot fall out of it. The fact is that the endometrium at the time of ovulation is a folded tissue.
Embryos do not remain in the air in the uterine cavity, they fall into these folds. At this time, the entire surface of the endometrium is covered with a kind of “suction cups” – pinopods, which ensure the attachment of embryos to the endometrium.
After embryo transfer, the patient is taken to a ward, where she can sleep or just rest for 4-6 hours. One day after embryo transfer, bed rest and peace of mind must be observed, as psycho-emotional overstrain and excessive stress can affect the results of the IVF procedure.
How many embryos to transfer? The answer to this question over the short history of IVF has undergone significant changes.
In the beginning, they transferred everything that they received. Quickly enough, it was found that the transfer of 3-4 embryos provides the highest possible frequency of pregnancy.
However, as a result of the transfer of several embryos, the frequency of multiple pregnancies reached unprecedented levels.