Are you struggling from an irresistible urge to move your leg continuously?  Are you suffering from itching, unpleasant tingling or painful sensation in your legs?  Do all these things keep you awake at night?

If all of these things are bothering you, and then there is a reason for you to possible worry about a condition called Restless Leg Syndrome. Fortunately, RLS can be treated with proper medical treatment and therapy.

People who suffer from restless legs syndrome generally have uncomfortable sensations in their legs, arms, and even in other parts of their body. There is an undesirable urge to move legs, arms and other body parts continuously. This uncomfortable condition gives you an itchy, spine-chilling crawly and needle like sensation in the legs.

If we talk about the severity of RLS, then it might range from mild to intolerable. Just like the severity, symptoms of the RLS may also come and go.  The pain and restlessness is more sever in the evening and at night then in the morning, in most cases. There are some cases where the severity of symptoms is so much that it affects the person’s quality of life.

The pain caused due to the RLS is usually prompted by activity and relieved by rest.  In worst cases, it may even become worse when you are sitting, resting or even relaxing.  The needle like sensations temporarily gets better when you move, stretch or massage your legs.

Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome

RLS is equally seen affecting both men and women. Most of the people who are seen affected are generally middle aged or older. There are many factors that can add to the problem. A few of the common factors are described below:


There are many medications that include anti-psychotic drugs, anti-depressants and other allergic medications that contain numbing antihistamines that can worsen the condition.  Care should be taken when you are being prescribed such allergic substances.

Chronic diseases:

If you are suffering from chronic diseases such as iron deficiency, diabetes, kidney failure or peripheral neuropathy, then you may also suffer from RLS. Treating all of these chronic diseases may provide you with some relief from restless legs syndrome.


RLS is also prominent among pregnant women usually in the last trimester.  If these symptoms are due to pregnancy, they will usually go away within a month after delivery. Other factors include excessive use of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine.

There are many things that you can do cure RLS just by making certain changes to your lifestyle. Fatigue and stress can trigger the symptoms of RLS, so it’s vital for you to get sound sleep. Trying aerobic and lower body resistance exercises can considerably reduce the symptoms to a larger extent.

It’s advisable to take good care of your health and practice mediation if you’re about to make time. Meditation, stress reduction, and exercise are some of the best practices for RLS treatment. Consult with a doctor if you’re feeling any of the previous symptoms and ensure that you’re eating a proper diet containing fiber, protein, and calcium.

Author Bio:

Amit Gangrade is from Orlando, Florida. He is a recent alumn from the University of Florida, where he studied anthropology and Spanish, and will be attending law school at Emory University in the fall of 2014. Amit is currently working as a professional writer for Rejuve Health Clinics, Orlando’s premier testosterone replacement therapy.