Victims of accidents, such as a car wrecks or slip-and-falls, often have serious injuries that do not appear immediately following the incident. Left untreated, these injuries can result in lifelong pain and even death.


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that results from trauma or intense shaking. Concussions are not always immediately apparent. This is because the symptoms, such as amnesia, nausea, dizziness, and confusion, sometimes appear long after the trauma occurred.

Similarly, not all people lose consciousness after significant head trauma, but these victims can still develop concussions.

Because concussions can result from intense shaking, without actual head contact, a car accident victim may not consider the possibility of a concussion if his or her head was not actually hit. When in doubt, seek medical attention.

Arm and Leg Injuries

Following an accident, the body releases endorphins that mask pain. Thus, a victim may not notice severe limb bruising and spraining until well after the accident.

Bruises can heal within a few weeks, but sprains may need additional attention. Sometimes, the injury beneath the bruise is actually a fracture; without a doctor’s examination, a fracture can go unnoticed and the victim may wonder why the bruise will not heal.

Back Injuries

Victims of car accidents and slip and falls often experience intense back pain, which can be the sign of a more serious condition. Some of the most common injures include:

  • Herniated disc,
  • Severed or damaged spinal cord, and
  • Coccyx bruising.

These injuries are often healed with time and surgery, but often, the side effects will never go away. Back injuries, especially those that require surgery, are among the most expensive injuries; however, according to Meltzer and Meksraitis, a personal injury attorney in Tampa, a legal professional can help the victim recover compensation for these medical expenses.

A legal professional can also make sense of the insurance claims and medical treatments, and also represent the victim in a lawsuit.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is an often-overlooked result of personal injury accidents. This is because the disorder is of a psychological, and not physical, nature. An accident victim may not experience PTSD symptoms for weeks or even months after the injury.

People affected with PTSD often experience emotional and behavioral changes, such as reliving the traumatic event, avoiding activities that led to the accident, and negative thought patterns.

Many accident victims who develop PTSD are unaware that it is a very real affliction that can greatly interfere with daily life; doctors can help relieve symptoms and heal the emotional scars resulting from an accident.

Car accidents and slip and falls can result in severe injuries that, without immediate attention, can truly interfere with day-to-day activities. Victims should always request a comprehensive medical exam following an accident, even if no injuries are immediately apparent.

Victims should also seek professional legal assistance so that they can maximize the chances of recovering medical costs, and receive compensation for injuries that do not exhibit symptoms until days or weeks after the incident.