Get Pregnant Fast

Are there steps you can take to get pregnant fast? It’s certainly possible. People have a myriad of reasons for wanting to conceive faster. Maybe you’re trying to beat your biological clock. Perhaps you’re planning to space your kids a certain number of years apart.

Maybe you want to conceive because your spouse is in the military and you want to get pregnant before deployment. Or, you may just be eager to start having children. Sixty-eight percent of spouses who optimised their baby-making sex conceived within three months of trials.92 percent were pregnant after a year.

It’s important to, however, that these tips will not work for everybody. Unfortunately, conception isn’t something that can be planned accurately. If you’re unable to get pregnant as fast as you’d like, don’t blame yourself.

Don’t forget that one in 10 couples will experience infertility. You’ll be happy to know that there’s help out there.

Discontinue your birth control

Surely, if you’re planning to get pregnant, you need to stop using birth control. What you may not know, however, is that you may need time for your fertility to return. It has to do with the kind of birth control you were using.

With most types of birth control, your fertility should return the next cycle after discontinuation. While your cycle regulates itself, you may experience some bumpy months, but it’s also likely to get pregnant from your first official fertile month.

However, it’s not always a quick and straightforward process. If you have an IUD or an implant, you’ll need to book an appointment with your doctor for removal.

That takes time. After hormonal IUD removal, it may take a few months for your cycle to regulate. (Your fertility should return quickly with the copper only IUD).

But it may take several months for your fertility to return if you’ve been on the birth control shot. Speak with your physician so you have realistic expectations when you can start trying to conceive.

Have lots of sex

Having sex often for the whole month is good for baby making. According to the opinion and research of the Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, every two days or every other day is a good amount.

You could plan to have sex every day of your cycle, but for most couples, this will result in burnout, and it’s really not necessary.

Having sex for about three to four times per week will enhance your chances of success as it increases having sex on your most fertile days. You may make a mistake if you’re only aiming for ovulation, you may lose that month.

If you have sex every two days or every other day, you’ll possibly have sex at least once or twice, during your most fertile time. Also, frequent sex enhances sperm health. Healthier swimmers imply you’ll be more likely to get pregnant.

Optimise your baby-making sex

If you optimise your conception sex, you may be able to conceive faster. One crucial thing to be aware of is that regular personal lubricants, such as KY Jelly and Astroglide, are harmful to sperm.

The best lubricant for getting pregnant is your own cervical fluid. But if this is a problem for you, there are sperm-friendly alternatives available, like canola oil, mineral oil, or hydroxyethylcellulose-based lubricants like ConceivEase and Pre-Seed.

Whether lying down after sexual intercourse or sex position will help you conceive is debatable. But the committee view from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine says there is no effect.

Studies on IUI treatment, however, discovered that lying down after insemination boosts pregnancy rate. If you’re trying to get pregnant faster, you may just want to try at least lying flat on your back after sex for some minutes. Conversely, maybe more creative sex positions would help if missionary position is a turn off for you.

Studies have discovered that sexual arousal affects how much sperm is ejaculated. Female orgasm may also aid conception. Having passionate sex may also boost your chances of conceiving faster. That said; don’t worry about having an orgasm. It’s not required!

Use an ovulation monitor or ovulation predictor kit

The two days before ovulation are your most fertile days. You can find out which days these are through different methods, including checking for fertile cervical mucus, charting your body basal temperature, using a saliva ferning microscope, and tracking cervical changes.

The issue with all these methods is they have a steep learning curve. For instance, BBT charting has to do with you figuring out how to get your temps correctly in the morning and interpreting your chart is an issue. You may have a less stressful time using ovulation monitors or ovulation predictor kits.

Ovulation tests will function like pregnancy tests. You pee on a strip of paper or stick to get a result. But you have to read the instructions very carefully because unlike pregnancy tests, they are a little bit more difficult to understand.

Ovulation monitors take a great deal of the learning curve out of ovulation tests. The digital gadget tells you when you’re most fertile. However, they are not so pocket-friendly, so it’s advisable to combine charting with ovulation predictor kits.

Optimise your fertility health

In the short-run, there are quite a few steps a woman can take – and not take – to enhance her chances of conception.

Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet. Avoid extreme eating plans or binge diets when trying to conceive.Douche. When you do, you wash away cervical mucus (which boosts sperm movement), partially eliminate good bacteria, and disrupt the vagina’s natural pH balance. You also increase your risk of vaginal irritation and infection, which can make it hard to conceive.
Get enough sleep. Wake cycles and odd sleep can disrupt the menstrual cycle, which is unlikely to result in infertility could make faster conception more difficult.Get too stressed out. It’s still uncertain whether stress leads to infertility or not. However, acute stress can negatively affect a woman’s cycle. For those trying to conceive in a month or two, just one off cycle can severely affect those plans.
Cut back on caffeinated beverages. It’s still unclear whether they contribute to infertility, but since you want to conceive faster, whatever is in your power to do to optimize your overall health is best.

For the men, try keeping the family jewels away from heat. Laptops placed directly on the laps, hot tubs, sitting with the legs close together for too long, and seat warmers can all increase the temperature of the scrotum. This can have a negative impact on sperm counts.

And lastly, the most oft-repeated health advice—for men and women—cut down on alcoholic drinks and quit smoking. Apart from improving your health now, this will also help you have a healthier pregnancy and baby.

There are other steps you can take to improve your overall health and fertility that take more time and effort. Before trying to conceive, women should strive to achieve a healthy weight, as studies have revealed that being just slightly overweight can decrease fertility. Male fertility may also be negatively impacted by obesity.

One thing every woman should do before they conceive is to make sure they’re getting enough folic acid. This is of great benefit to a healthy pregnancy; it may also enhance fertility.

Go easy on the pregnancy tests

How quickly you get pregnant won’t change by taking pregnancy tests, but it can impact your perception of time. Especially if you take several early tests, frequently “peeing on a stick” can make the days and weeks appear longer.

Commit instead to only taking a pregnancy test when your period is a day late at least. In other words, if your period was to start on Monday or Tuesday of a particular week, don’t take the test until Wednesday.

Better yet, wait until Thursday. It’s quite difficult to wait to see if you’re pregnant. But don’t forget to tell yourself that when you take an early test, you will probably get a false negative anyway. (in other words, the test may not reveal your success, even if you did conceive.)

If you need it, get medical help

You should see your doctor if you’re over 35 and you don’t conceive within six months or if within a year, you don’t conceive and you’re younger than 35.

Seeking for help doesn’t imply that you’re giving up; it just means you’re brave enough to inquire if there’s a reason why you haven’t gotten pregnant, and whether there are steps you can take to address it.

With time, some causes of infertility get worse. Getting help when you need it may assist in conceiving faster with the help of treatment.