It often happens that we take our health for granted, ignoring all the signs and signals manifested by our bodies which try to tell us that something is not right. However, seemingly simple conditions, such as heartburn or occasional insomniac nights can grow into something bigger than you expected, if left untreated.
Most people today are burdened by their jobs, ambitions, and expectations that capitalism buries them under. To stop and reconnect your body and mind is crucial, if you really want to take care of yourself. These health issues are those that occur most often and are not treated. However, the problem can grow and mess up your life before you’re aware of what’s going on.
Anxiety is a mental health disorder, and it can be clinical or acute. However, even the ‘lighter’ version of the condition can result in a wide range of problems, such as chronic physical illnesses, from body aches and fatigue to diabetes and congestive heart failure.
Anxiety is most often not treated in the right way, at least not immediately, because it is camouflaged by the consequential conditions. The results of untreated anxiety can be social isolation, difficulties in maintaining relationships, substance abuse, and self-harm behavior. The impact of untreated anxiety can be disastrous, so if you feel any symptoms, talk to your physician immediately.
Heartburn is an occasional problem for most of us, as millions of people experience it at least once a month. GERD, on the other hand, is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease – chronic heartburn that can lead to a variety of complications if untreated.
GERD can lead to esophagitis (swelling and irritation of esophagus, the tube which connects the stomach and throat), throat and voice problems, breathing problems (it can worsen pneumonia or asthma), tooth decay (promoted when stomach acid get back to your mouth, causing that sour taste), and esophageal ulcer.
Insomnia often goes untreated, even though it’s the most common sleep problem. It increases the risk of heart failure, anxiety, and depression. People with insomnia experience lack of restorative sleep, difficulty falling or staying asleep, trouble concentrating, mood disturbances and fatigue.
People with insomnia are at more than double the risk of suffering diabetes and heart failure, as have more elevated risk of death. Without proper sleep, the body doesn’t have the chance to recharge and repair.
Prostate Issues
Prostate and urinary tract issues can often surprise people, as nobody is particularly fond of going through these exams, and a lot of related conditions cannot be detected otherwise.
With all the unhealthy food, stress and everything else we are putting ourselves through, expecting that you’ll reach forty without having at least a minor problem with your prostate, bladder or kidneys is extremely optimistic.
If you are putting this off because you are uncomfortable with having the exam performed by a living and breathing person, you’ll just have to get over that, but if your condition is serious enough to demand a surgery and you don’t trust any human being coming even close to the region with a scalpel, some providers, like Dr Haddad, offer a way to avoid having a person work on you, with ranges of robotic surgery options.
However, the best way to look at this is as something that has to be done, and that is not a tad bit more embarrassing, irrelevant or frightening than having your heart checked.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension can damage your body years before any symptoms develop. You may wind up with a poor quality of life, a disability, or a fatal heart attack. Roughly estimated, about half the people who don’t treat their hypertension die of a form of heart disease, while the third die of stroke, related to, poor blood pressure.
Untreated hypertension can cause damage to, your arteries, heart, brain (mild cognitive impairment, dementia and stroke), kidneys, eyes (nerve and eye blood vessel damage). The condition is cunning, as it causes damage over the years while being able to remain hidden. Do a regular physical check-up every 6-12 months to take proper care of your health and discover potential hypertension on time.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Untreated RA can be detrimental to your health, because proper and timely treatment is required due to the progressive nature of the illness. It reduces mobility and flexibility, causes red, painful and swollen joints due to the inflammation of the lining of the joints.
When left untreated, the symptoms typically get worse and the long-term damage to your joints can be quite significant. Besides joint deformity, RA can affect your skin, kidneys, lungs, and heart. The condition is usually treated with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD), physical therapy, and regular exercise.
Once you feel that a condition occurs more often than it should or certain unknown symptoms, visit your physician for a regular health check. Some conditions can be disguised and under radar, slowly doing damage to body and reducing the quality of your life.