Stress has been known to impact negatively on our body severely, health and well-being and further studies show that long-term continued stress may settle in some regions of our body and while we may be unknowingly searching for some health treatment, the primary cause of the problem is in fact psychological.
Our health and wellness should be of the utmost importance, so I have gathered this list to inform you better.
The head is a very delicate part of the body that houses and protects one of the most complex and vital organs in our body, “the brain.” The brain often body suffers from mild headaches to severe migraines when the body is exposed to stress. This is as a result of the body’s response to stress by the release of certain chemicals during stress. These chemicals released affect our nerves and blood vessels in the brain causing headaches and migraines.
Neck and shoulders
Ever wonder why your shoulder and neck tighten up when you are stressed? This is because stress leads to tension and tightness in the muscles of the neck and shoulders. We unconsciously raise our shoulders and stiffen our neck when we work under pressure, and this position causing pains in these areas.
Lower back
According to scientists, the pain you feel in your back is often in your head. When stressed, we tend to change how we walk, sleep, sit, move, and even our general routine. It’s almost as if we are resting our weight on our back and you might notice some slouching. This may cause you to feel pain in your lower back area.
The stomach is very sensitive and can respond very efficiently to our mental well-being. Stress can influence not only how well our gut function, but it can also change the microbial composition in our stomach. Scientists also noticed that stress could cause the body to release more digestive acid which can lead to heartburn.
When we are exposed to stress, our body secretes “stress hormones” that causes our skin to be susceptible. These hormones cause the skin gland to release more oil, causing our skin pores to block which can lead to skin reactions such as acne, pimples, blackheads, rashes, and other skin issues.
It is highly likely that you are stressed out if you’ve caught yourself grinding your teeth together. The masseter muscle, which is the primary muscle, reacts to stress by causing the chin to move from side to side. This can inevitably cause the teeth to grind unconsciously.
Joints, bones, and muscles
The pains we feel in our joints, muscles, and bones are sometimes stress-related. Studies have shown the connection between “depressive” symptoms to pain in the body. Depression is a severe issue and should be tackled immediately by seeking professional help.
Excess insulin is being secreted than the body needs, by the pancreas if the body is under critical, stressful conditions. This constant production of insulin can cause damage to the arteries, increase the risk of diabetes and lead to weight gain.
Stress caused by emotional pain increases the blood pressure and affects the heart. In fact, many heart diseases have been linked with significant stress-related conditions. Long-term exposure to stress can change the rhythm of the heart to the point where it could potentially lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Immune system
Our body’s immune system helps us to fight against bacteria, viruses, or other harmful microbes. When we are over-stressed, the body releases chemicals that affect our immune system and suppresses the level of lymphocytes in the blood drops. This exposes us and makes us vulnerable to infections, causing us to fall sick easily.
Ways to help your body:
Stress has been known to affect our appearance as it makes us look tired all the time, our well-being and behavior in general. However, it is up to you to find a way to relieve yourself of the stress. It might be difficult to change the condition of what causes the stress. Nonetheless, we can adopt some activities that help us cope with the stress.
A full body massage can considerable do the trick. Getting a massage can help release physical tension.
Consistent meditation can help your mind and body relax. Meditate in a quiet place and reflect on what makes you happy. Dwell on it till you feel the stress sips out of your body. Consistent practice would make getting better physically and mentally more effective.
During physical activities, our body releases endorphins, “hormones responsible for happiness.” This is just what we are getting stressed. Visits to the gym wouldn’t be a bad idea. Breathing exercises, strolling, or even dancing are good examples of things you could do to get better.
If the pain is severe, then you should do well to visit a doctor. No one can care about your well-being more than you. Have you had any experience with stress? What did you do to get better? Drop your answer in the comments below. Thanks for reading.