Everyone wants to have white, healthy smile, but not everyone knows what needs to be done. People stop buying pasta from advertising and expensive brushes. Often, however, this is not enough. To keep your teeth healthy and to breathe fresh, simple but proper oral hygiene should become your daily ritual.
What should be done for the care of the oral cavity, what instruments are there today and what are the rules of brushing your teeth, you need to know everything that you will find in this article.
The basics of oral hygiene
If you properly care for your teeth, pay due attention to the gums and carefully choose products for the mouth, you’ll be able to preserve your health and will prevent all the unloved visit to dentist and save a considerable amount of money on dental care. The oral hygiene must be exercised regularly and correctly. It should consist of:
- Brushing and toothpaste.
- The care of the oral cavity after each meal.
- Cleansing interdental spaces.
Next, we gradually take a closer look at what means of is needed for each stage for the oral cavity and tell you the correct method of brushing teeth.
The rules of care for the oral hygiene
The following rules should be known to everyone and everyone must put them into practice. If you have not previously completed them all, never too late to introduce them into your life. You will be surprised how easy it is to ensure that teeth and gums need care, which will quickly move you into the habit:
Rule # 1: the teeth should be cleaned 2 times a day, before retiring for the evening and after waking in the morning.
Rule # 2: do not forget the preventive dental check-UPS in every six months. If you follow this rule, you will be able to prevent gum disease and teeth still in the early stages of development.
Rule # 3: selection of means for brushing your teeth – a serious matter.
Rule # 4: care of the oral cavity does not end at cleaning your teeth: don’t forget the tongue, cheek and gums.
Rule # 5: after every meal to remove food scraps. Ideally, you should brush your teeth with paste and brush, but in practice this is often impossible. Therefore, we can use an affordable alternative: the mouthwash for oral cavity cope with this task, removing particles of food and freshening your breath.
Rule # 6: use dental floss-dental floss to cleanse the spaces between the teeth.
Rule # 7: fluoride substances in the paste begin to “work” after 3 minutes of contact with the tooth. You Need to brush your teeth no less this time, because you don’t want to just clean, but also to strengthen the enamel.
Step by step instructions for daily cleaning
The teeth should be cleaned properly. Removing all the plaque, you will protect your teeth from caries and gums from gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases. Step by step instructions of cleaning the oral cavity is as follows:
- The procedure starts with the traditional cleansing of the teeth with paste and brush. Position the brush so that the bristles have coated the outer surface of the teeth. Spend brush from the gums to the edge of the teeth.
- The inner surface of the teeth should be cleaned exactly through the same sweeping motion.
- Then put a brush so that the bristles cover the chewing surface. The reciprocating motion will help clean the chewing surface.
- Repeat this for the upper and lower jaw. Do not press the brush too hard.
- Close the jaw and gently massage the gums with the brush.
- Clean tongue: you can use a special scraper for cleaning the tongue or brush, if it has a special cleaning surface. Take a few movements from the root to the tip of the tongue.
- Clean the inner surface of the cheeks: repeat the same procedure for cleaning the tongue now inside of the cheeks. Rinse mouth with clean water.
- Go to the thread-floss. Take about 30 cm of floss and wind the ends around index fingers, leaving a gap between them of 10 cm. firmly pulling the thread between your fingers, insert it into the tooth gap, and then press it to the surface of one of the teeth and make movements up and down.
- The final stage is rinse.
The oral hygiene will not take you more than 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Do everything correctly and your teeth and gums will be healthy. Now let’s learn more about tools for oral hygiene.
Author Bio:
I am Shubham Mod, and I am a healthy lifestyle addict and I write for mouthwash. I read blog and talk about it, and yes, even dream about having healthy lifestyle constantly.