A vegetarian diet is a great way to reduce one’s carbon footprint and live a healthier lifestyle, but there are some nutrients that vegetarians need to focus on. One of those is omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain heart health and brain function. This blog post will go over the best sources for vegetarians who want more omega-3s in their diet!
Trail mix is a great way to get omega in your diet. It’s packed with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, all of which are good sources of fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Plus, trail mix is portable and easy to take on the go. If you’re looking for an omega rich trail mix recipe, try this one: Super Easy Homemade Trail Mix Bars with Nature’s Garden
A great source of omega-3 fatty acids is chia seeds. Chia seeds are high in antioxidants and minerals like magnesium and potassium. They also have a high omega-3 fatty acid content, making them a great addition to any vegetarian diet. You can add chia seeds to smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal for a quick and easy boost of omega.
Another great omega-3 boosting food for vegetarians is flax seeds. Flax seeds are rich in fiber and contain omega-3 fatty acids. You can grind the seeds yourself or buy them pre-ground to add more flaxseeds to your diet.
One of the best sources of plant-based omega is nuts. Nuts are high in fiber and protein while also being low in sugar and saturated fats. Some great options are almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds (pepitas), sesame seeds (tahini), macadamia nuts, pecans, Brazil nuts…the list goes on! They’re all packed full of nutrients. Check Nature’s Garden Hazelnuts if you are looking for one.
If you want to add more omega into your diet, make sure you’re eating enough of these foods! Omega sources like trail mix and chia seeds can be added to a wide variety of dishes, while fish oil supplements offer an easy way for vegetarians (and non-vegetarian) people alike to get their recommended daily intake.
Like we said earlier though: the best source of nutrients comes from whole foods instead of pills or powders. Eating trail mix with nuts and dried fruit will provide much more nutrition than taking a pill made up of omega-a, omega-b, and omega-c!
So now that you know what some of the best sources for omega in your diet are, it’s time to start incorporating more trail mix into your daily routine. As always, make sure you’re eating a balanced breakfast with healthy proteins like eggs or beans! Omega is great but if your blood sugar levels aren’t stable throughout the day then they won’t be doing much good…so maybe save trail mix as an afternoon snack instead.
And don’t forget chia seeds go well on almost everything so feels free to add them to any dish where you think they might fit! Also remember that just because something isn’t high in fat doesn’t mean its not high in omega-a, so don’t be afraid to add some trail mix or chia seeds into your breakfast scrambles or oatmeal!
In this blog post we’ve gone over a couple of great sources for vegetarians who want more omega in their diet. As always though: remember that the best source comes from whole foods instead of pills or powders. Omega is important but it won’t do much good if you’re not eating enough healthy carbohydrates and proteins throughout the day!
Keep trail mix as an afternoon snack and add chia seeds wherever they might fit…and feel free to sprinkle flaxseeds on top of smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal etc. before adding fruit/yogurt toppings too! For even more omega-a goodness, try swapping out some of the meat in your meals for plant-based proteins like nuts and seeds!
We hope you enjoyed this post and please feel free to comment with any other sources or tips for getting more omega into a vegetarian diet! Looking for more trail mix recipes, check out Nature’s Garden website for tips & recipes that will boost your health!