The origin of National No Bra Day remains unclear – but we know that this fantastic event has been going on every year since in the year 2011, with the sole aim of raising awareness for the need for breast cancer screening.
Though highly debated, the National No Bra Day can be traced back to a plastic surgeon, Dr. Mitchell Brown, in Toronto, Canada.
The aim of Dr. Mitchell Brown’s original BRA (Breast Reconstruction Awareness) Day was to educate females about the option of reconstruction when they undergo a mastectomy. This was in 2011.
By 2014, the National No BRA Day was being celebrated by a total of 30 countries in the world.
At No BRA Day events, those who are affected by breast cancer can have Q&A sessions with leading plastic surgeons, and get a chance to hear inspirational survivor stories.
The national No Bra Day is one where women are taught how to recognize the apparent symptoms of breast cancer and encourage regular self-examinations in the war against the increasing number of breast cancer cases. All of these are why we encourage women to go out without their bra on October 13th.
Although the National No Bra Day is a controversial event in the eyes of so many people for several reasons, the day further aims to increase public awareness of breast cancer during the month of October.
Using the hashtag #nobraday on all social media platforms and encouraging females to go out without bra for an entire day (24 hours) on the 13th day of October.
The National No Bra Day seeks to raise awareness on the essence of knowing how to engage in breast self-examinations and encouraged women to take regular breast cancer screening seriously.
So on October the 13th, remember to leave that bra at home or make use of social media to raise awareness for breast examination and breast cancer research.
We encourage you to help raise awareness of the national No bra day event, by using the hashtag #nobraday.
Also, leave a comment below.