Everyone knows about DNA, and how every detail of who we are is written in our genes. However, there is a less well-known genetic element of DNA called RNA. Like many forms of cell life and living tissue, RNA can be engineered into biomaterials and applied to a number of uses.
mRNA is a highly versatile product. However, what are its uses and benefits? What should you know about mRNA, and how it is manufactured and processed? Let’s find out.
What Is mRNA?
Also known as messenger ribonucleic acid, mRNA is a surprisingly versatile strand of RNA that carries genetic information. These strands of information work as “messengers”, carrying information from the nucleus of the cell out into the cytoplasm. This is a very simplified explanation of what mRNA does.
What Can mRNA Be Used For?
mRNA has a number of uses, but most notable is its use in vaccines and medicines, most recently Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. mRNA can be genetically altered to emphasize a strong immunological response, prompting the body to react positively towards the treatment or to resist an infection or virus, depending on the circumstances.
Interestingly enough, mRNA and basic cell therapy are not new discoveries. In fact, rudimentary cell therapy was discovered back in the nineteenth century and has been slowly improved and perfected over time.
One of the most fascinating properties of modern mRNA usage is its future in vaccines and its potential in cell therapy treatments. It is a crucial ingredient in many new vaccines and treatments and can be specially designed and engineered for endless different purposes.
Manufacturing mRNA
mRNA, like most other cell therapies, needs to go through a rigorous procedure of clinical trials, analytics, and testing before it can be approved for use. To do this, professional manufacturers collaborate with the initial developers. GMP mRNA manufacturing requires specific expertise and clinical settings, to assure both clinical effectiveness and good quality assurance. Custom mRNA can be designed, as well as LNP-Formulated mRNA, and catalog mRNA products.
Once a baseline has been created, mRNA can be quickly re-designed and engineered to combat new diseases which need vaccines developed rapidly. This has been shown with mRNA’s usefulness in creating the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
mRNA: The Bottom Line
In conclusion, mRNA is a thrilling bio-product that has already made its mark on the medical field as a whole. Since mRNA and rudimentary cell therapy treatments have been in use for quite a while, the science has been reasonably well-tested over time.
While the focus is mainly on developing mRNA for use in vaccines – Zika, rabies, influenza, and so on – there is certainly room to use this cell therapy in other settings. There are many diseases that could be easily managed and treated if only they had a preventative vaccine available.
With mRNA in our medical arsenal, the future certainly seems intriguing.