There are certain foods rich with antioxidants that are able to keep your body well and fit by battling dangerous free radicals. One of those is the herb called Milk Thistle, which contains more antioxidants than all of the popular vitamins. This herb is usually found in South American, Mediterranean and other regions in the world that have moderate to warm climate.
Those that have problems with their liver would benefit a lot by consuming this herb. The only organ inside our bodies that has the capability to regenerate itself when damaged is the liver. The liver works constantly by filtering dangerous and harmful substances and toxins, preventing them to enter into the blood stream. However, liver cells can sometimes become damaged, especially with abuse of alcohol.
Every person should do everything they can in order to prevent liver damage, as it can lead to certain diseases like cancer. Liver disease must be immediately treated because it is very dangerous and can lead to very bad consequences if left untreated. One of the best ways for repairing the liver cells is by consuming milk thistle, which helps the liver function normally, effectively, and it keeps it in perfect condition.
This herb is best known for its helpful benefits for person`s liver, but it can also help in treating other health issues such as type 2 diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, helps in better digestion, and eases menopausal symptoms. Due to the fact that is very rich in antioxidants, this herb also has anti-aging properties and it is great for your skin health.
So how exactly does this popular herb work? The seeds of the herb contain an element called silymarin, which is good for maintaining proper skin health. It has anti-inflammatory properties and it provides great benefits for liver. It is especially good for treating specific liver conditions and diseases like cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis, liver poisoning and others.
The extracts from the herb have shown great results in protecting liver from harmful substances and toxins from the environment. It is great detoxifier and it can efficiently treat acne, eczema and psoriasis in natural way. In general, it boosts your immune system and that leads to numerous positive effects for your well-being.
You can consume this herb in form of a supplement, and recommended dosage is taking between fifty and one hundred milligrams per day. When you are looking for a supplement you should check out the percentage of silymarin, as the bigger the percentage the better the effects would be.
In any case, you would benefit a lot from consuming milk thistle regardless of what form you choose to take it. It has plenty of great characteristics and positive sides that are helpful for your body. Those people that want to efficiently detoxify their livers and gain other health benefits should definitely increase the intake of this herb.
After regularly using it for extended period of time you will certainly experience all the good things this herb has to offer. As it has been widely known, this potent herb has shown very powerful results when it comes to helping the liver, but it also has several other benefits that many people are not aware of.
Many parts of your body are being affected by it, because it targets a few other important organs inside the body. Here are some other vital organs that are positively affected by milk thistle.
Not many people know, but the herb is perfect for battling obesity.
The liver plays an important role when it comes to losing weight and if you boost its function you will definitely shed some of the excessive weight. This is because the liver is responsible for metabolizing fat, which in turn leads to dropping pounds.
The ingredient silymarin acts as a booster for faster and better liver function, so this herb should be consumed if interested in keeping your weight in check. Besides for battling obesity, milk thistle has shown great results and positive effects on gallstones and gallbladder.
Again, this is because of the presence of silymarin, which helps in promotion of the flow. Better flow prevents appearance of gallstones and some studies have pointed that increased intake of this herb can lead to lower cholesterol levels too.
Finally, the herb can efficiently help against estrogen-related health issues and diseases. Female hormone estrogen has been linked to some forms of breast cancers, but if the liver functions as it is supposed to, then the bad types of this hormone can be easily filtered and flushed outside the body.
Progesterone and estrogen are hormones that can bring some tumors into the reproductive organs, but if this herb is present in the body then the hormonal balance can be better regulated and appearance of such diseases would be successfully prevented.