Some health experts have made a living offering clients advice about how to properly nourish their bodies, earning degrees and certifications by reputable agencies such as the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (whose visiting teachers include well-known health advocates like Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Andrew Weil, and Deepak Chopra, MD). And each one seems to have an opinion about whicheating behaviors can give you a higher quality of life.
So, what do highly regarded professionals such as these have to say about juicing versus eating whole foods? Specifically, which benefits and drawbacks does each one offer and does a healthy meal program involve one, the other, or both? Let’s answer those questions now.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Juicing
In his article titled “Juicing vs. Blending: What You Need to Know,” Joshua Rosenthal, founder of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, shares the many benefits of juicing. He notes that drinking extracted fruit and vegetable juices helps “detoxify the body and give the digestive system a rest while fighting inflammation and other chronic conditions.”
They do this through their high volume of vitamins and minerals that your body can easily absorb. He further indicates that juicing can also help you lose weight if your goal is to shed a few pounds.
Additionally, the one drawback that Joshua highlights when it comes to juicing is that all of the fiber is removed during the juicing process, which means that the natural sugars can affect your blood sugar much easier. Fortunately, this disadvantage can be easily overcome simply by using more veggies than fruit and/or adding protein or fat to the smoothie so your body doesn’t digest its contents as quickly.
The Pros and Cons of Eating Whole Foods
Of course, eating whole foods is beneficial too. First and foremost, it rectifies the issue of fiber because most healthy options are loaded with it. You’re also likely to feel more full after eating actual foods while providing your digestive system with what it needs to help your body properly get rid of your excess waste and toxins.
On the flip side, the top named concern when it comes to eating whole foods is the amount of calories they contain. However, S-Life contributor Hannah Aylward reminds us that “food is not solely made up of calories.”
In other words, the type of food and the nutrients it contains can ultimately determine how it affects your metabolism, brain power, hormone levels, and more. That’s why it is so important to eat whole foods that protect you from major diseases and increase your quality of life, regardless of the calories they have.
Putting Them Both Together
Essentially, by both juicing and eating whole foods together, you can gain the advantages of both while minimizing the disadvantages. That’s what Jil Larsen did when she started juicing and eating healthier foods in order to help her deal with her skin condition, melasma.
Within just a couple of months, her symptoms started to go away as a result of her diet change. She was so inspired by what her change in diet did for her that she became a health coach and opened her own healthy food business in New York, hoping others would follow suit and enjoy the same positive results.
In the end, if you listen to experts such as these, then you will know that there is a place for both juicing and whole foods in a healthy eating program. This means that you can enjoy the advantages of both while also improving your health and wellness.
Author Bio:
Shelly Stinson is an online freelance writer based out of Denver, Colo. who specializes in health-related topics. She’s always eager to help others when it comes to eating better, exercising regularly, and sticking to their fitness goals. You can check her out on Twitter – @shellystins.