
As we age, we lose some of our ability to hear, see, and enjoy the things we used to. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to live in an area that would allow you to participate in the things you enjoy, rather than catering to what the organization has approved?

This means you could sing, garden, cook, and create art! Before you can really dive into understanding this type of healthcare, you need to be knowledgeable on what person-centred care is.

Person-centred aged care is a thought process; a way of doing things regarding community care that sees people as individuals and not a number. Individuals are respected and have the support of their families by their side to help them make the best healthcare decisions they can at the time. Keep reading to learn the top three benefits of person-centred aged care.

Improve Quality of Life

The quality of life of the person is the real benefit here. A person-centred approach means a person is allowed to be involved as much or as little as they want in the planning of their own life. It includes the individual to work towards a common goal that doctors, nurses, friends, family, and the individual themselves have set.

This type of care assists the person to get the very best out of their life. This knowledge and how the care is provided and received improves the quality of life of both the individual and the family members who care deeply about the health and individuality of their loved one.

Respect for the Individual

When people use facilities such as nursing homes or assisted living centres, they get lost in the shuffle and are referred to as ‘patients.’ However, the person is living in the facility; it is their home. You are not a ‘patient’ in your own home.

With the person-centred aged care approach, individuals are treated and respected as people and not a statistic or a ‘task.’ This is a great benefit over other facilities who treat their residents as nothing more than a patient and are not interested in their hobbies, life, family, or longevity.

Happier Employees & Residents

In a regular setting, patients are seen as a duty. They are an assignment and need to be given meals, medications, assisted to the bathroom, etc. With person-centred aged care, they still receive all those measures, but they are not looked at as tasks.

They have a say in when they eat, as they may not be hungry when the nurse has the time to feed them. Are you hungry at the same time every day? Not necessarily, and this type of care instils that residents still have a say in their life.

This causes less confrontation between resident and employee. You do not have to force the individual to do something they do not want to do at this time (turn out the light at a given moment; eat at a particular time, etc.).

Why Should You Consider Person-Centred Aged Care in Your Time of Need?

People all over the world are living longer every year. Many have health conditions and cannot care for themselves as they used to. Person-centred aged care allows these people to get the health care and social services they need without being a project. They, as well as their families, have a say in their health care and how it is carried out.

Residents do not have measures ‘done’ to them but with them. They are not treated like children or with disrespect. The whole point is to let the person be a person to enjoy the things they want in life such as gardening, singing, volunteering, or other such hobbies.

By treating our elders with respect and compassion, we are involving them in their own lives and giving them the individuality they so desire!