Most people think that once you’ve reached adulthood, you’re done getting vaccines. We’ve all got memories of getting vaccinated as children. Kids are more vulnerable than adults and they need vaccines to protect them from potentially fatal diseases in the first years of their life.

However, that doesn’t mean adults can’t benefit from getting vaccinated. In fact, doctors recommend that everyone should follow an immunization program to care for their long-term health. Prevention is truly better than trying to treat an illness.

You should always consult with your GP about getting vaccinated. If you are worried about the possible side effects, he can answer all your question and advise you on your options.

Also, if you’re one of the unlucky people who suffered serious side effects or injuries from vaccinations, you can always inquire about vaccine law and get help from specialized attorneys.

Here are some of the vaccines that doctors recommend for most adults:


You’ve probably had flu at least once in your lifetime. We’re used to hearing about flu season every year and treat it like it’s something we should just get used to. But flu can bring along serious complications, even for the healthiest of adults.

It’s extremely important for young children and older people to get the influenza vaccine, but adults should also join in and get the vaccine before the start of the flu season.

Tetanus and diphtheria (Td)


Tetanus and diphtheria are two dangerous diseases that can have to life-threatening consequences. Many people have received multiple vaccines during their childhood to protect them against these illnesses.

If you are one of them, all you need now as an adult is to get the Td booster every 10 years. If not, you should get vaccinated against both tetanus and diphtheria.


Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and manifests itself as a painful rash that may appear on any part of the body and can leave you with chronic nerve pain for years.

Thankfully the zoster vaccine protects against the virus and even if you do get shingles, you will get a milder form and the chances to develop post-herpetic neuralgia are significantly reduced.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections, affecting nearly all sexually active men and women around the world.  HPV can lead to different types of cancers in both men and women.

Children usually get vaccinated against HVP around 11 or 12, and after they only need an additional dose, but those who haven’t received any doses as teenagers can still get vaccinated against HPV.


The pneumococcal vaccine protects against conditions such as pneumonia, meningitis and several other infections with serious impact on people’s health.

Doctors usually recommend this vaccine for people over 65 or for smokers and those suffering from chronical conditions such as diabetes or asthma.

When it comes to your health, you should leave nothing to chance. Vaccines are an important form of prevention, so it’s a good idea to stay informed and know what vaccines are right for you and how they can help.