Hormone Imbalance

47% of women have experienced hormonal imbalance, which has negatively affected their overall health. This is according to New York post recent survey that involved 2,000 American women between 30 to 60 years.

Many women are unaware of the major health implications of hormones. Sadly, they come to understand later the root cause of what is ailing them.

Some symptoms are clear and easier to relate to hormonal imbalance than others. The most common ones are mood swings, weight gain, and hot flashes, but there are most though rarely known, and these are urinary incontinence, memory loss, and brain frog. 

However, hormonal imbalance isn’t a death sentence. It can be treated through testosterone replacement therapy. If you want to get you hormone balance correct there are ways to go about this, and it starts with taking a hormone quiz online to see if you have anything in your body not functioning correctly.

What’s Testosterone Therapy?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a treatment option for men who have low testosterone. Research shows that men with this condition experience an increase in their quality of life when they use TRT.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved TRT in 1953 as a treatment for men with low hormone levels. The body produces testosterone in the testicles, and women also produce smaller amounts of it in their ovaries.

Testosterone helps with:

  • Producing sperm
  • Growing facial and body hair
  • Deepening the voice
  • Building muscles and bones

All bodies need testosterone for these functions. It also helps develop sex drives, but the exact role of testosterone in sexual desire is not clear.

How Testosterone Therapy Treats Hormonal Imbalance

Testosterone therapy treats men whose bodies don’t produce enough of the hormone. It’s not for men who have low testosterone due to aging.

What happens when you have too little testosterone? Men with low testosterone may notice a big drop in their sex drive, but it’s not always clear what else is going on. Some other signs of low testosterone include fatigue and depression and the loss of muscle mass and bone density. 

As men age, their hormone levels tend to drop. But if your testosterone level falls below 300 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter), you may be diagnosed with hypogonadism or low testosterone. This is a condition where the body does not produce enough testosterone for good health.

How Testosterone Therapy Works

Testosterone therapy is used to restore hormone levels back to normal and relieve symptoms of low testosterone. Testosterone replacement therapy can help improve hormonal imbalance symptoms, but it isn’t a cure-all for everything that ails you.

Not everyone needs testosterone therapy. For example, if you’re under 50 years old and have no other signs or symptoms of low testosterone, your doctor may suggest “watchful waiting.” That means they will check your hormone levels after six months to a year and decide whether or not to give you testosterone therapy based on how low your hormone levels are at that time.

Explaining Why Testosterone Levels Drop

Testosterone levels rise during early adulthood but drops as you grow older. Actually, one to two percent a year begins in the forties. Once you hit 50 and above, you may develop symptoms like low libido, anxiety, depression and anemia. Other signs include weight gain, hot flashes, reduced muscle mass and more. 

Although decreasing testosterone levels are a part of aging, some conditions can speed up the decline. They include infection, injury, chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer, and medications for HIV/AIDS. Other conditions include chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes or heart failure and hormone disorders such as underactive pituitary glands.

The only reliable way to diagnose low testosterone is to measure it with a blood test. A screening questionnaire may help determine whether you need further testing but cannot replace a blood test.

Want to Start Testosterone Therapy to Treat Hormonal Imbalance?

Testosterone therapy effectively treats a wide range of symptoms related to hormonal imbalance. It can help with anemia, bone loss and strength, muscle loss and weakness, low libido and sex drive, erectile dysfunction (ED), fatigue, depression and memory impairment, an increase in weight gain, and a reduction in muscle growth, insomnia, hot flushes, and night sweats. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, this could be a very good thing for you.