Have you ever considered why so many people purchase bottled water for use at home? After all, the water that comes out of your tap has been through a water treatment centre and is certified to be clean, isn’t it?
If that’s the case then why is the bottled water market in the US worth $12.8 billion? It’s not just because water is essential to every living thing. In some respects it’s simply personal preference. However, there are a number of facts that you might want to consider regarding tap water and bottled water.
Tap Water
As you are aware water collects in reservoirs and lakes. From these it is cleaned through huge filters and chemicals are added to kill any bacteria. The water is then pumped through miles of pipes to get to your home and out of your tap.
This water is certified safe to drink and yet many people use an under sink water filtration system. The reason for this is that the miles of pipe work leave the water vulnerable. A tiny split in the pipe is extremely difficult to even know about or trace. However the split could let bacteria and other contaminants into your water.
The result would be water coming out of your tap which could be dangerous to your health.
It’s important to note that this is not a common occurrence but it is possible and it is very difficult to know about it until it is too late. To avoid any issue the under sink filter replicates the water treatment works to ensure the water is safe to drink. A carbon filter blocks debris and prevents bacteria from getting through.
Bottled Water
You might be surprised to learn that it is perfectly legal and common for bottled water to actually be water treated by the public treatment works. This is actually important as bottled water is essential when a natural disaster or contamination occurs.
As it will have been bottles at source it will not have been exposed to potential contaminants while travelling through the pipes. This means your bottled water meets the standards set by the relevant treatment works. But, there is more to it than this!
Bottled water needs to reach specific standards set by the food agency; these are actually not as strict as the standards set for tap water. It is also important to note that if bottled water says ‘natural’ then it must be bottled at source. The source of the water must be protected and the water should be bottled without being treated.
It is permissible to put this natural water through a purification process. Bottled water supplies will often do this to remove the chlorine and other chemicals that are added by the water board. This is safe, the chemicals have already killed the bacteria and removing them will generally improve the flavor of the water. It is also possible that some companies will add minerals to improve the taste.
The Difference
Both bottled water and tap water is generally safe to drink. However the main difference between the two is that bottled water is much more expensive than tap water, even if you take into account the use of a water filter system under your sink.
It is also worth noting that bottled water has a larger effect on the environment. It is, by its very nature, supplied in plastic bottles. Once you have used the water it is recommended that you discard the bottle. The plastic is relatively soft and can leach chemicals into the water when refilled. These chemicals have been linked with a variety of health issues.
Unfortunately while it is safer to discard the bottles this means that you are contributing to the estimated 1.5 million tons of plastic waste produced every year. This doesn’t degrade; it simply clogs up our planet. Bottled water has become very popular as natural disasters, contamination and the belief it tastes better encourages people to believe the marketing hype.
However, it is checked once while tap water is checked every day. By simply adding an under sink filter to your water system you’ll benefit from extremely clean water without the additional cost of purchasing bottled water. You can of course fill your own bottles to take water out with you. However, to avoid health issues it is advisable to use glass bottles or those made from hard plastic.