Thousands of people all over the world suffer from hair loss. Hair loss is a common problem that hinders male and female both. Hair generates in a scalp through a proper cycle, which termed as a hair growth cycle.
The hair growth cycle relies on three phases which is Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Basically 87% of our total hair remains in this phase; it is the growing hair phase, which makes our hair grow from the follicular unit; then an unknown signal makes the hair follicle to shift to Catagen phase.
In this phase the hair cells cut off the hair from the blood supply and from the cells which generates new hairs. This phase lasts 2 to 3 weeks and it is the end of a hair active growth.
Then the a hair turns to the Telogen phase, which is also known as Shedding. We lose 50 to 100 strands on a daily basis, which is actually normal and a part of hair growth cycle.
When a body inhibits any problem which disturbs the body mechanism, prematurely a good amount of hair turns into a resting phase which cause noticeable hair shedding that termed as hair loss.Many reasons are present that may cause the hair loss.
The most common reason of hair loss is the improper diet and nutritional deficiency, lack of sleep, hormonal change, weight loss, medication or due to any medical condition or surgery etc. Hair loss reason varies and find different in every individual.
Some hair loss conditions reach to the extent and generate baldness of various kinds, such as Telogen effluvium, alopecia, male and female pattern baldness and many more.
The baldness is no more associated with the aging, nowadays the younger generation is also suffering from baldness which become a reason of their embarrassment. Fortunately the technology has evoked itself and derive a cure for all the humans to combat baldness which is hair transplant.
New Research In Hair Regrowth And Concept Of Hair Regrowth
When a hair loss happens, the person first concern is to get the hair back through anyway. The hair loss I a problem which is so common, but the hair loss that converts to baldness is the stress for many.
If we look at the history; every day scientists work to bring up a new research which studies, that’s how the hair can be regrow.
Every aspect of a medical field is trying to evaluate the method to regrow the hairs whether for the treatment, surgeries and even form medicines; but the studies find out that to regrow the hairs on the most appropriate way is from the surgery.
The beginning of the process is to regrow the hair starts in 1939 with Dr. Okuda, who is a Japanese Dermatologist that tries to evoke method for the restoration of the hair; which is lost due to any injury or from the burn. For the regrowth of the hair the method is used termed as punch technique.
In this technique the surgeon extracts a small part of the skin which contains hair and then harvest them into the smaller holes at the damage area of the scalp which is bald. These grafts produce hair when the area becomes healed.
Another Japanese dermatologist, Dr. Tamura after a couple of years improves the method of Dr Okuda; by reducing the graft size by 1 to 3 hairs each. The surgery method of hair restoration in the public area is somehow similar to the surgeries of hair regrowth that is practiced nowadays.
In 1950, Dr Norman Orentreich a dermatologist from New York performed a first actual hair transplant on the man who is suffering from male pattern baldness.
His technique of hair transplant is somehow similar to the DR. Orentich but due to the unnatural and unattractive result, he has to suffer from the criticism. On the very same day we can say that Dr Orentrich generate a new idea of hair transplant.
Dr Orentreich after 7 years published a theory “Donor Dominance” about the findings of hair transplant procedure in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science. He provides the main idea which makes hair transplant surgery possible, is that the hair at the back and sides of the scalp are resistant to the balding process mostly.
Fortunately, in 1960, the hair transplant surgery inventions set his roots in the cosmetic surgery procedure. The Dr Okuda techniques of harvesting small grafts found more successful result in the hair transplant procedure in contrast with Dr. Orentiechs techniques of Punch graft technique.
Although Dr Orentich from the punch method become successful to regrow hair, but this hair transplant technique is not get acknowledge in the history due to the unnatural result and painful procedure. In the mid 1990’s the natural regrowth of hairs become possible for the less invasive method of hair transplant procedure.
The follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction or micro grafting of follicular unit growth of hair transplant in the bald area becomes possible.In 1990’s the hair transplant procedure starts providing the natural result and the dark days of the invasive surgical techniques of hair transplant get over.
The follicular unit extraction of hair transplant steps in which is the most successful techniques of hair transplant or regrowth till now for the hair loss and bald people.
The Hair transplant is a surgical procedure which is not invasive. The procedure is performed by synthesis patient under local anesthesia. In a hair transplant procedure there are two areas of the scalp are used, one is termed as recipient area and the other is donor area.
The donor area is the area in the scalp is the area that has high productive hair growth usually the back and sides of the scalp while the recipient area is the area which is resistant to baldness or thinning.
During the hair transplant procedure a patient’s scalp is subjected to local anesthesia, then hair follicle are extracted from the donor area and placed in the recipient area. The life of transplanted hairs is permanent.
Hair Transplant Method FUT And FUE
Hair transplant has been done form many methods. The extraction of the hair follicle is different, but the hair harvested is same in all the method. The most oldest and traditional method of hair transplant, which has been practiced in the US since 1950 is called FUT (follicular unit extraction).
However, the technology gets modernized and provide us the Best FUE hair transplant procedure which decreases the pain and endurance of a patient and it gives far better result in comparison with the traditional one.
In FUT procedure the follicular unit is taken out from the 6 cm from the central back of the head in a strip from the donor area. According to the Wikipedia the strip is taken out by giving 2 parallel cuts in the upper layers of the skin which is about 20 to 25 cm long and 1.0 to 2.0 wide (mostly depends on the laxity). The width of the hair strip depends on the flexibility.
The length of the strip depends on the circumference of the head. FUE is the modern technique that has been practiced nowadays in which hair grafts are extracted one by one by picking the follicular units are basically groups of 1, 2 ,3 or 4 hairs.
In this technique the hairs are extracted by a microscopic instrument , the surgeon in most cases tries to extract a bigger group of follicular unit which at least have more than 3 hairs per group.
Both the FUT and FUE techniques are extremely different because of the extraction which is FUT is taken from a strip while in FUE the follicular units taken out one by one.
Both the methods are practicing all over all the world, but people go for FUT more because it provides good density of hair in one single session and it is much more affordable.
What’s New In Hair Transplant?
When FUT hair transplant is performed a surgeon apply 2 parallel blind cuts, which might provide more hairs, but it generates big scars came across due to the stitches; which applied for the closure of blind cut and a patient has to endure pain.
The most important thing that noted in FUT methods that the huge amount of grafts get wasted which is according to our estimation is 700 to 800 hairs in a single cut, if we calculate the follicular unit wastage in both ends it would be approximately 1600.
This is a huge wastage of follicular units in one single session. In order to avoid the wastage of grafts and to minimize the scar and pain Hair restoration surgeon Dr Rana Irfan originated a new technique of hair transplant, which is affordable and the altered form of FUT that is IFI.
It is a hair transplant procedure in which hair is extracted in a form of strip from the donor area which is similar to FUT. To reduce the pain and to minimize the scar possibility the follicular unit is extracted from the donor by a skin separator (Haber separator also used for this), rather than giving two parallel cuts like the FUT procedure from which huge quantity of grafts get wasted.
Basically the skin separator is used to push the skin from both ends which eventually leads to create laxity in the skin by decreasing the firmness or tightness. As the laxity generates, so it minimizes the stretch of the donor area closure that ultimately serves to decrease the surgery pain.
The 90% of scar visibility appear due to the tension or stretch in the closure area, but due to the use of the “skin separator” the scratch become loss and laxity generated which minimize the scar length and formation.
The IFI procedure is a new invention in hair transplant procedures specially designed by Dr Rana Irfan in Pakistan, it will provide the transplanted hair the same density but it will reduce the pain and grafts wastage.This method is performed rare in Pakistan and only Dr Rana Irfan performed at his clinic at Vagus Cosmetics.
The IFI saves the grafts for another hair transplant procedure, although after FUT transplant procedure, the donor area lack the capability for another hair transplant. In both of the procedure the donor area has to deal with the scar, but the scar visibility and length are minor and the hair density is also good in the IFI from FUT.
This procedure covers the large bald area in one single session. The width of the scar is low and also it provide more satisfactory results to the patients. In this era of technology and modernization, where each day we heard about a new invention in the field of medical in order to find the treatment which are advanced, effective and accommodating to patients.
IFI procedure is one of the new innovations in the field of hair transplant to decrease the suffering of a patient.