While some women seem to breeze through the stages of menopause with few issues, some others experience more intense and uncomfortable symptoms that are unsettling and can actually interfere with daily activities. Some of the most common and annoying symptoms reported by women are hot flashes, night sweats, nausea, headaches, mood swings, irritability and anxiety.
There are certain foods that are readily available that can help to reduce the symptoms of menopause naturally and effectively. This is a means of providing the body with natural menopause supplements strictly by what is included and excluded in your diet.
How dietary changes help to combat menopause symptoms
Lower estrogen levels and other hormone imbalances are the culprit for the symptoms of menopause. By eating foods that contain natural hormone replacements, such as phytoestrogens and lignans, the hormonal balances of the body are restored, or at least supplemented and the body returns to normal functioning.
Soy products
Products that are rich in soy will provide a good dose of phytoestrogens which are a natural form of compounds that work like estrogen in the body. Soy beans, yogurt, natural soy powder and a host of foods that are made from soy can help to significantly reduce hot flashes, night sweats and many of the other symptoms of menopause. Additional benefits of eating soy products include reducing the risk of certain cancers as soy also contains anti-angiogenic properties which helps to prevent the growth of tumors.
Eggs are rich in vitamin B which helps to stabilize the way that the adrenal gland functions. This can assist in regulating the delicate balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body, reducing the occurrences and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats.
Whole grain products
Consuming foods that contain whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal and barley can help to lessen the occurrence of menopause symptoms, particularly hot flashes and night sweats. Dietary fiber has been shown to be effective in correcting estrogen levels in women who are in the early stages of menopause.
Fruits and vegetables
Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can also help to eliminate hot flashes. Selecting a variety of these foods which are high in fiber is recommended. Some of these include broccoli, cabbage, bananas and apples.
Drink plenty of water
The recommended amount of water for women entering menopause is a minimum of 8 servings of 8 ounces per day. This helps to replace the fluids that are lost due to perspiration or hot flashes and it also helps to keep the body hydrated for optimum functioning. Getting your daily requirements of water can help to reduce the incidences of hot flashes and night sweats.
Foods that should be avoided
In addition to eating the right foods, there are others that can actually promote increased menopause symptoms and these should be avoided or at least consumed sparingly. A few of the biggest culprits for stimulating hot flashes are spicy foods and hot beverages. Meats and dairy products can also help to trigger hot flashes for some women. They may also promote hormonal imbalances which can lead to mood swings, irritability and anxiety.
This doesn’t mean that you need to stop eating meat and dairy products, but it does mean that you should start keeping a journal of which particular foods seem to increase the incidences of menopause symptoms and eliminate those from your diet while you are going through this phase.
Alcohol, caffeine and tobacco use are also common triggers for menopause symptoms. They put a strain on the liver and they also increase the amount of acid in the blood. Cutting back on the use of these and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce mood swings, hot flashes and night swings.
Knowing which foods can help to bring your body back into a more stable and level hormonal balance can have a tremendous effect upon how you are feeling. Eating the right foods can lower the incidences of menopausal symptoms while helping you to properly nourish and care for your body.
Avoiding the foods that can trigger the symptoms of menopause can also help during this stage of life, when menopausal symptoms become problematic. These simple and effective methods can provide you with the relief that you are looking for without the need for menopause products or synthetically manufactured treatments.