Water is life and clean water means health. The world is moving at a fast pace, developing countries all around the globe are trying to match up to this pace by all means necessary.
Every new innovation is refining our livelihood with each passing day. However, amidst all the developments and technological advancements, basic necessities like sanitation, hygiene, and clean drinking water are still a grave issue in many countries.
As per a study by UNICEF India, 67% of Indian households do not treat their drinking water, even though it could be chemically or bacterially contaminated. Amongst all the contaminants, Lead is one of the most prominent and hazardous pollutants in drinking water.
Lead, a pervasive environmental contaminant, enters your drinking water due to the corrosion of household plumbing system like pipes, solders, and fittings that contain Lead.
PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes that are most commonly used in your home also contain Lead components that may leach into the drinking water. World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified Lead as one of the ten major chemicals of public health concern.
Here are some basic facts on Lead and its harmful effects that you need to know of:
- Lead is a cumulative toxicant that can affect multiple body systems in the human body. It can cause damage to the brain, kidney, liver and bones.
- Children are even more vulnerable to complications caused by Lead exposure. Lead can cause lasting problems with growth and development in children. It can affect their hearing, learning ability, behaviour and even slow down the child’s growth.
- In adults, Lead poisoning can damage the brain and nervous system, the stomach and even the kidneys. It can also cause high blood pressure and other health problems.
- Children and adults alike can experience memory loss, trouble thinking clearly, weakness and muscle problems.
The effects of Lead on the human body can be life-threatening. But you can begin to take following precautionary measures to safeguard you and your loved ones from its harmful effects.
The effects of Lead on the human body can be life-threatening. But you can begin to take following precautionary measures to safeguard you and your loved ones from its harmful effects.
- Old pipelines and plumbing systems in our homes and buildings can cause Lead contamination in your drinking water. Hence cleaning your taps and faucets frequently is suggested.
- Before directly consuming, let some water run thoroughly so that any contaminants accumulated in pipes will flush out.
- Do consider using an advanced water purifier with reverse osmosis technology that will help you filter your water thoroughly. Traditional purification techniques cannot remove chemicals and new age contaminants from water. Hence, the need for RO purifying technology. RO technology effectively reduce TDS from your water and makes it safe for drinking.
No matter how forward the world is, if the most basic commodity that you are consuming is contaminated then the world will have no good future.
Considering all the health hazards caused by Lead, getting rid of it from drinking water is the need of this hour. Hence, take all the precautionary measures to eliminate Lead from your water.