The water content of the blood is termed body fluids. Body fluid refers to the water and some substance dissolved in it which is distributed all over the body. In an average human being weighing 70kg the total amount of water is approximately 40l. However, it is slightly lower in women because of more fat. It is also lower in obsessed person than in thin people for the same reason.
Maintenance of this body fluid is necessary for the normal life functions as it helps in transportation, metabolic reaction, temperature regulation, texture of tissues and homeostasis. Failure to maintain this constant body fluid leads to dehydration. It is necessary for the level of water or fluid in the body to be maintained or regulated because of the enormous advantage or importance of water in the body- to avoid dehydration.
The body requires a minimum daily water intake of about 1 liter, but varies with age and activities of individuals. Dehydration – a deficiency or inadequacy of water in the body and occurs when water los is more than water intake.
Categories of Dehydration
- Mild dehydration
- Moderate dehydration
- Severe dehydration
- Very severe dehydration
Mild Dehydration-
mild dehydration occurs when fluid is about 5% of the total body fluid. This condition is not serious and can be treated easily by rehydration (drinking water or any other fluid can take care of mild dehydration).
Moderate Dehydration
Moderate dehydration occurs when fluid loss is about 10% of the total body fluid. This requires immediate treatment by rehydration.
Signs of Mild /Moderate Dehydration
- Dryness of the mouth
- Excessive thirst
- Reduced sweating
Severe Dehydration
severe dehydration occurs when fluid loss is about 15% of the total body water. This is serious and requires hospitalization and emergency treatment.
Signs and Symptoms of Severe Dehydration
- Decreased blood volume
- Decreased cardiac output
- Low blood pressure
- Could also lead to fainting.
Treatment is by oral rehydration therapy to compensate for loss of water and salt.
Very Severe Dehydration
severe dehydration occurs when the loss of body water is greater than 15% this condition is life threatening with signs such as
- Damage of organs like the brain, liver and kidney
- It can also have mental depression and confusion
- Renal failure
- Convulsion
- Coma
Treatment of very severe dehydration is by intravenous rehydration of necessary fluid and electrolyte.
Effects of Dehydration
Loss of body balance
The human body comprises of about 60% of water, dehydration in form of precipitation (in hot environment) tends to distort this water content that if not replaced tends to distort the body balance leading to the loss of balance.
Accumulation of toxins
Catabolism produces waste which if not excreted from the body becomes toxins. Water among all other elements is a major factor that helps flush out this toxins and wastes from the body through urination and sweating. When there is less of this water (dehydration) this waste and toxins accumulate leading to toxicities which alters the normal body functions.
Depreciation of skin complexion
Hydration through drinking enough water helps improve skin complexions and also helps avert ill conditions of the skin and the reverse is the case in dehydration.
Dehydration is one of the major causes of headache and back pains, low or inadequate of water increase dehydration which invariably will cause headache and different types of body pains
Imbalance of the acid–base content of the body
Dehydration leads to fluctuations in the acid base content and this Fluctuation in the acid base content of the body many times leads to ill health.
Deterioration of organs
Hydrations helps keep the organs of the body healthy, dehydration on the other hand imposes a strain on this organ which if not controlled leads to deterioration of organs and in some severe cases organ failure. Organs like the kidney, stomach and liver functions best in hydration.
How to Stay Hydrated
To stay hydrated requires neither much work nor money is needed, stay hydrated by drinking enough water. Though advancement in technology and the feeding habit of many nations, many seem to neglect the importance of water and take more of processed fluid than water. The best and only way to stay hydrated and avoid the dangers of dehydration is to take as enough water as possible.
No matter how busy you might be, no matter how occupied you may be, you can skip meals but please never skip drinking water at least 2 liters of water per day, this article I hope have shown reasons why drinking water should be a necessity and not an option. The earth cannot survive without water thus having 70% of water and so also is the human body. Avoid dehydration.
Author Bio:
Ikoi Abode Ikenna is a seasoned blogger online entrepreneur. He blogs at | you can follow him on Facebook and on Twitter.