Nutrition problems have plagued the global population over the past century. When nutritional issues are raised, many people will associate nutritional issues to malnutrition and lack of food.
While this is also a nutritional issue experienced globally, today global nutritionists face a much more concerning nutritional issue which involve over nutrition.
Today many processed foods available on the market are calorie packed and saturate the consumer’s body in nutrition resulting in overweight, obesity leading to further health concerns.
This has grown to be a serious health issue in recent years among urban dwellers since many live an idle lifestyle which results in fat accumulations which are devastating towards health management.
This case study of nutrition will review health issues caused by over nutrition and how consumers of processed food can manage processed food intake to limit their negative effects.
Decreased appetite
The past century has reported a reduction in appetite among people. This is mainly due to the lifestyle adopted by people especially living and working in urban locations.
It is mainly due to the lack of physical activity which results in most people requiring less nutritional intake. This results in decreased appetites as opposed to people who perform physical works.
In addition to this, there is a growing concern over nutritional foods available in the market. Junk and fast foods are the preferred choices among people today and these food items come with high levels of nutrition in many cases far surpassing the daily nutritional limit people require.
Once again with the body saturated in nutrients, the individual is likely to observe decreased appetite.
Meal guidelines
With nutrition issues hitting an all-time high; it has become important for nutritionists to develop guidelines based on which public awareness can be raised to help reduce the health issues linked to over nutrition.
Below are some basic guidelines which will help individuals manage their diet and prevent malnutrition and over nutrition. Over nutrition leads to serious health issues including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and many others.
Snack guidelines
Snacks are a part of most people’s lives but recent decades have seen an increase in consumption of unhealthy snacks which are leading to serious health issues.
This is due to modern snacks consisting of a high concentration of nutrition which over saturates the body with calories which cause the body to begin storing extra calories in the form of fat.
Over time this results in an individual gradually increasing weight despite them not requiring extra nutrition. Snacks are designed to have high nutritional content to enhance flavour which causes negative health effects at a later stage.
Dining guidelines
An individual’s diet intake is directly influenced by the work they do daily. This makes it important to first assess your routine based on which a diet plan can be developed.
Each dining guideline will be directly influenced by the work and activity done each day. Individuals who have an inactive routine should, therefore, consume less nutrition’s and calories while active individuals need to consume calorie-rich foods.
Health problems occur due to many people mismanaging the nutritional intake resulting in many non-active people overeating high nutrition foods. This leads to calorie accumulations which results in the body naturally storing surplus nutrition as fat deposits.
It is therefore critical to assess your current physical activity and calculate your nutritional needs to determine the number of calories required to sustain healthy living.
If you have a large appetite, you must, consume low nutrition foods which deliver low calories but sizable potions which will help fill the individual’s appetite.
Weight loss
For individuals who are overweight, it’s important to turn your attention towards weight reduction and this requires you to first assess your food intake to determine nutrition and calorie intake based on which a food consumption plan can be developed.
This plan would require for food calories to be calculated determining ones daily nutritional needs. Consuming slightly lower calories will trigger their metabolism in to distress which will result in the body consuming stored fats.
Weight loss is a major challenge for most overweight people due to their inability to manage calorie intake making it important to design weight loss programs which address their food craving as well as limit the calorie intake.
High-calorie snacks
Today most snacks are processed using high quantities of sugar and salt both of which have negative health effects.
Sugar has been directly associated with diabetes and also directly linked to causing overweight among people; it is among the main flavouring agents in food.
Sugar is associated with delivering excessive calories to the body which disrupts the metabolism, triggering fat accumulation. Salt is another concerning flavouring agent and it is abundantly used to flavour snacks.
Apart from table salt, there are various salt varieties used to flavour snacks and some have been linked to distorting nutritional balances in the body leading to health issues.
High-calorie recipes
Nutritional imbalance is also being experienced due to the consumption of high-calorie foods. Foods such as Pizza, Burgers and many other fast foods consist of a high-calorie count resulting in excessive calories and nutrition being ingested.
The human body is programmed by nature to store calories and energy during times of plenty resulting in fat accumulation, but this high-calorie intake never stops leading to overweight, than obesity.
Managing calorie intake is therefore essential and requires for people to manage their nutritional intake to maintain healthy bodies.
Changes in how food tastes
Nutrition levels are also been linked to one’s nutritional needs. When an individual’s body is facing some deficiency, the individual is likely to experience cravings and when the body is adequately nourished the individual experienced fewer cravings.
Cravings are therefore a nutritional deficit indicator and can be used to detect nutritional aspects that an individual requires in their diet. It is important to differentiate between nutritional cravings and greed as the two differ and it’s critical to make sure they are not confused.
Craving refers to preference or desire to taste or eat food while greed refers to the desire to finish or consume available food. Greed usually results in nutritional issues making it important to balance one’s food intake to avoid unbalancing their metabolism.
Nutrition has for a long time been linked to lack of adequate nutrition due to lack of food, but recent years have observed a new nutritional problem linked to over nutrition.
Over nutrition remains as being a major concern during the past century in urban dwellings making it important to address over nutrition concerns which lead to obesity, overweight which then lead to further health issues.
Author Bio:
My name is Victor Grey. I have worked as a content writer for various publishing houses through my career. I have 12 years of overall writing experience out of which the past 3 years have been as a writer for Assignment Writing Help. I have also published various articles and blogs on education and career building.