Cancer is one of the leading causes of death across the world. When taking the United States, for example, it was estimated that in 2018, 1,735,350 new cancer cases were diagnosed and nearly 609,640 people were expected to die as a result of cancer.
There are various types of cancers, but the most common ones are breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, colon and rectum cancer, bladder cancer, melanoma of the skin, liver cancer, leukemia, and thyroid cancer among others.
Undeniably, the number of deaths associated with cancer is alarming and if something is not done, more deaths could be expected. Fortunately, there are cancer hospitals and treatment in France dedicated to curbing the high number of deaths and we will tell you more about them.
Cancer center in France
Institut Curie is a cancer center in France which was established out of the determination of Marie Curie to fight against cancer. Undeniably, cancer has become very common and is killing people all over the world regardless of age sex, race or class.
Fortunately, it can be treated with early diagnosis and we are focused on curing any type of cancer with the help of team experts and most-advanced technologies. We are also international research centers working day and night to find different types of cancers there are as well as their treatment to ensure that the disease is manageable. In addition, we have a teaching program that educates future experts on cancer to ensure that the generations to come lead cancer-free lives.
As stated earlier, cancer can be treated when diagnosed early and at Institut Curie, we are dedicated to managing it completely. After diagnosis, we focus on treatment and then have a follow up to ensure that the treatment was successful and that the patients are cancer-free.
We understand how dangerous cancer is and how challenging it is to walk through this journey alone, and that’s why we focus on a personalized pathway with supportive care you need through this journey.
We treat various types of cancers such as breast cancer, sarcomas, eye cancers, and pediatric tumors. To ensure that people are cancer-free, our experienced and dedicated doctors treat all types of cancers inclusive of the rarest ones.
Cancer care in France
In 2018, an estimated 627,000 women died from breast cancer, a number that’s equivalent to 15% of all cancer deaths among women. In France alone, it affects nearly 54,000 women every year which is equivalent to one in eight women having a breast cancer one day. Fortunately, Institut Curie is leading in breast cancer treatment thanks to their progress in research.
So, what exactly is breast cancer?
Breast cancer has been hitting headlines over the past few years, but have you ever asked yourself what it is? Well, it’s a tumor that develops from the cells that usually form the mammary glands. At Institut Curie, we are developing cancer treatment which depends on how it has spread at the time of diagnosis.
Well, our experts usually remove the tumor or the breast if it has spread as well as the nearby lymph nodes. Our experts are also using the sentinel lymph-node technique to determine if there is any importance of removing the entire lymph-node chain during the surgery or not. Surgery is complemented by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Bottom line
Without a shadow of a doubt, cancer is a killer disease which should not be taken lightly. The good news is that it is treatable and because it depends on how far it has spread, ensure that you go for screening at least once a year to ensure that you lead a healthy life, and if any type of cancer is detected, it will be treated successfully.