When you’re anxious, you’re freaking out! You could be worried about anything: money, work, and love life – even the black cat that just passed the street. Some people go as far as worrying about the fact that they worry too much.
You wish you could relax, you want to find your center- but you can’t. You’re all over the place, freaking out, having panic attacks – and you basically can’t live your life like a normal person. Before you resort to drugs, there are certain non-drugstore alternatives you might want to try.
Coming straight from Mother Nature, these remedies can be brewed into teas, turned into oils, or even used as aromatherapy. Whatever the method of preparation you use, these supplements will lessen your anxiety – some right away and some as time passes.
If you are feeling jittery, then a good cup of chamomile tea might help soothe your nerves. This plant has certain compounds that will bind to your brain receptors, having similar effects like medicine such as Valium.
A study was actually done on a group of patients in the Medical Center of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Those who were given chamomile supplements for two months showed a significant decrease in their anxiety levels compared to the ones who received a placebo.
L-theanine is a substance found in green tea that can help you manage anxiety while keeping you alert. Some people may argue that the caffeine in green tea is not good for your anxiety; however, unlike coffee, green tea has L-theanine to negate these effects.
It doesn’t matter if you are going for several cups of green tea per day or take L-theanine supplements. This natural herb will help you stay both relaxed and focused, keeping your anxiety at bay.
The use of medical marijuana has gone through a lot of controversy, but people are finally starting to see its potential. Legalized in most of the United States, it was discovered that a certain substance in hemp – namely, CBD – has the ability to calm down your anxiety.
You do, however, need to make sure that it’s properly extracted. The other active agent, THC, is the one responsible with the hallucinations and the “high,” which may not be of any help for your anxiety. Look for CBD oil from authorized providers if you want to keep your worries away.
There is a lot of evidence saying that the fatty acids belonging to Omega-3 can ease your anxiety symptoms. They do so by tackling your stress chemicals – such as adrenaline and cortisol – lowering them, and balancing your hormonal levels. Make sure that ingredients such as tuna, canned fatty fish, salmon, flaxseeds and walnuts are always part of your diet – since they are very rich in Omega-3.
No, you don’t necessarily have to eat the lavender to reap its anti-anxiety effects. All you have to do is breathe it in, and it will soothe your overly active nerves. This method was actually tried on a group of patients waiting to enter the dentist’s office. After being exposed to the lavender oil, they were less afraid of going on the table.
The same experiment was made on a group of students before they had to take an exam. They significantly calmed down and were less anxious – although some students claimed it made them feel “fuzzy” while taking the test.
Despite its name, this flower won’t help you in your love life. It will, however, calm you down if you’re feeling anxious about it. Having sedative effects, passionflower is generally used to treat symptoms of insomnia – but it’s also a great alternative for treating anxiety.
Keep in mind that if you are already taking sedative medicine, you should avoid adding this herb in the mix. Also, do not use passionflower for more than one month at a time. It may not cause addiction, but it will cause you to build a resistance – causing the herb to lose its effectiveness.
Like passionflower, Valerian is also a sedative. Unlike the L-theanine found in green tea, this will make you feel sleepy rather than alert. It has an odd scent, which is why many people prefer tinctures or capsules instead of the classic tea. You may also want to avoid taking it before going to work or driving, since it will make you feel really drowsy.
The best way is to take it right before going to sleep. If your anxiety becomes unmanageable, you might want to talk to a professional. These remedies will help you soothe the symptoms, but if you cannot find and tackle the source of the problem, then your anxiety will not go away.