Lose Weight

Going through any significant weight loss or bariatric surgery to aid the process is a big change in your life. Honestly, it’s an achievement that you have to fight to maintain for the rest of your life. Serious stuff. Being as committed as possible to the cause of weight maintenance is a task you’ll have to think about and take steps towards each day.

There are some ways to make this process easier to deal with. Having family support and a skilled doctor for follow-up care is vital. Your health depends on it, but the benefits of weight loss are key for a higher quality of life. There are also some terrific apps that you need right now for maintaining your weight.

Here are some resources that we’ve found to be incredibly helpful on your road to weight loss success and maintenance. Many of these correspond to a fitness device or tracker, like the Fitbit, Apple Watch, or even the Garmin VivoSmart. Each app on this list will indicate what you might need to go with it for best usage on whether it’s Android or Apple based.

Managing Calories and Food Intake

Half the battle of keeping the weight loss after surgery is food intake. You have to monitor what goes into your body very carefully to not overdo it most of the time. This can be a process where apps make it so much easier to keep track of what you’re eating calorie-wise. Making smart choices also becomes simpler when you have some of these apps in your back pocket to guide you.

  • Nudge: This app is specifically called the Nudge Coach. The goal is to link you up with remote coaching in order to help you make smart dietary and lifestyle choices. You can discuss everything from daily food intake to habits that may be hindering your progress. (Android and Apple)
  • Calorific: An Apple only app for their iOS 7 or later. Calorific is an app that shows you exactly what specific calorie counts look like with highly defined pictures. The goal is to let you see what portions truly look like so that you aren’t prone to overeating.
  • Fooducate: A very user-friendly app that will let you analyze the foods you see on the grocery store shelves before you buy them. Fooducate also has health trackers based on the food diary you put into their handy system. (Android and Apple)
  • Nutrition Menu: An Apple only app, Nutrition Menu also supports Weight Watchers point system. Either way, the goal is to help you make healthier choices when you are eating out at different restaurants.

Overall Health

Sometimes you just need a complete app that will help you with your overall health. This app does that and so much more.

  • Apple Health: This is Apple’s Health app. The way that it works is by focusing on four different areas of health. Nutrition, activity, mindfulness, and your sleep habits all are tracked by this app which either works on your smartphone or Apple Watch. Having the watch does track steps and activity much better, than the phone alone, but they both work to give you a healthier lifestyle.

Workout Inspired Apps

Fitness is vital to maintaining any kind of weight loss, whether it’s from surgery or not. You have to keep your body moving to burn calories and stay in shape. Finding a fitness routine that works for you and that you enjoy doing will help you stick to it on a weekly basis.

  • Keelo: Another great Apple app is this one from Keelo. It’s short, high-intensity workouts that you can do basically anywhere. All are original workouts that take 20 minutes or less to complete. You can easily fit this into your day for an app that keeps you accountable to your fitness goals.
  • Apptiv: An app that is like having a fitness trainer in your back pocket. This is a new way to work out with a trainer right in your ear. That’s what Apptiv app is all about.  It’s been shown that having a personal trainer does help you keep up your fitness levels. Plus, this app has some really cool music to set your cardio off on the right beat. (Android and Apple)
  • Qinetic: An Apple app that has on-demand fitness classes you can explore every day. If you get bored easily by working out, this is the app for you. Qinetic has strength training, yoga, dance classes, and everything else you can think of fitness-wise to inspire you.

A Note on Your Mind and Spirit

Keeping the weight off and being healthy as a life goal is so important. With that being said, it’s not all about your body. You have to be mentally strong and healthy as well to maintain any weight loss. Here are two great apps to check in with your mood.

  • MoodPrism: This app helps you keep track of your daily stressors to improve your mood. MoodPrism also gives you tracking feedback on how you’re doing each day. This will really help you evaluate how you’re dealing with your weight goals and just about everything else in your life. A very helpful app to explore. (Android and Apple)
  • Meditation Studio: The health and wellness benefits of a daily meditation schedule are easy to see. This app from Meditation Studio will help you get into the routine of setting aside time each day to practice focus, deep breathing, and de-stressing your life. Having a meditation schedule can make dealing with the stress of maintaining your weight loss much easier.