Be it a laborious day at the office or you have awakened to a gloomy week off, a cup of coffee is all that you crave for. Not always will you find yourself spending a considerable time at the coffee joints as most of our busy lives push us towards take-away packs!
Thanks to Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, you do not have to wait in long queues to get a mind refreshing sip of your favourite beverage. The right amount of coffee is the perfect requisite to start a meaningful conversation and the coffee connoisseurs will surely swear by it.
Meeting an old pal after ages or making some last-minute changes to your PowerPoint presentation is something that most of us do over that mandatory cup of coffee.
The next time you find yourself in a coffee shop, here are some ideas for you to spend some quality time there.
1. Play a Board or Card Game
Engage yourself in casual card games or a board game which may escalate the openness of the people you are with. A large group of friends set the perfect ambience for fun games and at times, you may find other patrons joining you.
From Jenga to Ludo, from Uno to Bridge, the list can go on for groups. Or if you are looking forward to spending quiet time, how about Sudoku from the newspaper on your table?
2. Open-Mic Sessions
Stand up comedies or public speaking is the trending talk of the town. Spacious and popular coffee shops around you may be open to hosting open mic sessions where you can find the inner comedian or artist in you.
Sharing a laugh or two with the audience on your political views may not be a bad idea to exhibit your humorous side. Such activities are a great way to come out of your shell in a friendly environment.
3. Literary Meets
Imagine a rainy day, a cup of coffee and your copy of Eat Pray Love. Poetry recitals or story readings are in vogue in many coffee establishments today. Such activities do not require a huge crowd or funding but are snug and private in nature.
So the next time you hear someone reading out a Dylan Thomas in a coffee shop, grab a cup and sit back as what follows next are lyrical treats to the pent-up soul.
4. Karaoke Nights
There’s nothing like singing your heart out to an audience whether you can or cannot sing. No, Karaoke sessions aren’t the place where your vocals are to be judged.
Group singing and one-on-one stage challenges are a fun way to spend your time in a coffee shop. This is also a good business generating the idea for coffee shop owners as it attracts a considerable crowd.
5. Match Day
And what else can be more exciting than seeing your favourite team taking on the rivals in a live game of football or cricket? Coffee shops can turn out to be the perfect place for sports enthusiasts.
The atmosphere becomes akin to a match stadium with all the cheering and prayers of the patrons. Whether or not your team wins, it is a fantastic way to spend time with your pals and your favourite espresso rather than watching a regular match sitting on your couch.
6. Organize Public Debates
Sharing of opinions and ideas are a great way to socialize and bond. If your local coffee shop is open to hosting debates and public speaking sessions, you can try your turn too.
As they say, new ideas build new relations, who knows that the person with whom you had a heated argument, turnouts to be your best bud in the long run.
7. Kitty Parties
For womenfolk, coffee shops can be an excellent place for arranging kitty parties. Your local coffee joint may be ready to host a grandiose party for you, be it theme-based or generic. But the initial arrangement and organizing of the entire event might just be on you and your friends.
A relaxing evening after the usual hazards of the workplace is what you deserve after a hectic week. So, check out the best, ‘coffee shops near me’ in Google and check-in for a relaxing time.
8. Pour in new ideas
Not everything can meet your expectations. If you are not happy with the service of any coffee shop around you, you may choose to speak to the owners or staff and share your ideas from a customer’s point of view rather than posting a review on Yelp.
It helps in building a good relationship and makes you a valued customer.
So when they say a lot can happen over coffee, you do know a lot indeed can! The next time you are at your local coffee shop, do not forget to try these.