ADHD is a type of mental health disorder that can affect how successful your child is in school and with personal relationships. It is important to understand that ADHD doesn’t present with the same symptoms in every person, which makes determining an effective ADHD treatment extremely difficult.

However, there are some tell-tale signs that your child may suffer from this condition and benefit from additional evaluation. Learn more about the signs of ADHD and when it is time to call a doctor for a professional evaluation here.

Issues Being Able to Get and Stay Organized

If your child is suffering from ADHD, then you may discover they have a hard time getting and staying organized. This can be seen with their schoolwork and even in their room. If this type of issues persists, as they become adults, the problem may become worse and make it harder for them to live a normal life.

The inability to get and stay organized may not seem like that big of a deal during childhood, but if it continues into adulthood, it can result in a number of problems, which is why it is so important to seek treatment at an early age.

Issues Paying Attention

There are a number of signs that your child may have a difficult time paying attention, which is one of the first and most noticeable signs of ADHD. If you have a school-aged child, you may discover they can’t focus on what they are doing, they can’t complete a task before they get bored, they don’t listen well because of distractions and they have problems processing information and following instructions. However, keep in mind, these are all completely normal behaviors for toddlers, so only grow concerned if they don’t “grow out of them” by the time they start school.

Squirming and Fidgeting

Before ADHD was called ADHD, it was just ADD. This meant attention deficit disorder. However, ADHD is not the preferred terminology because this disorder usually includes both impulsivity and hyperactivity. This is especially the case when the condition is diagnosed in children who are in preschool.

Some of the most common signs of hyperactivity that indicate your child may have the symptoms of ADHD include if they are overly squirmy and fidgety, if they don’t have the ability to remain still for various calm activities, such as reading a book or eating, if they talk and make excessive amounts of noise, or if they run from place to place, activity to activity.

Impulsivity in Your Child

Another extremely common indication that your child may suffer from ADHD is if they are extremely impulsive. Common signs of impulsivity include a child that is extremely impatient with others, if they don’t wait their turn when they are playing with outers, if they interrupt others while they are talking, if they are prone to outbursts, if they blurt out comments at completely inappropriate times and intruding when others are playing instead of asking if they can join in.

While these may be normal behaviors for toddlers, they are not for school age children and this is something you should keep in mind.


Another indication of a child that may have ADHD is if they are aggressive when they play. This may include hitting or pushing other children or insisting on being first at everything. As you can see, there are quite a few signs that your child may suffer from ADHD. Being aware of what these signs of the condition are is the best way to ensure that treatment is sought to help minimize distractions and other issues.

Today, there are effective treatment options for children who have ADHD buy you have to seek the care of a doctor to determine whether or not your child qualifies. More information can be found by visiting the Pharmacy Online 365 website.