There are many people who have misconceptions about oral sedation. There are some of them who believe in myths that are no basis or based on obsolete information. Regardless how tales are passed on from one person to the next, having an appointment with your dental surgeon will provide you with the necessary facts.
Your surgeon and his team would prep you and make you informed regarding the options, choices, and the possible results. It’s very important to be aware what the purpose and goals of oral sedation are. It is basically to provide comfort and a painless experience for patients.
Oral Sedation
If you are someone who feels anxious and frightened when faced with a dental procedure or appointment, it’s possible to transform the entire experience into a better one. With the help of oral sedatives, your body and mind would be able to relax so you would feel comfortable while you sit in the dental chair. To make you feel more confident about the procedure, knowing some facts about it will help you relax better and look forward to a great result.
Oral Sedation Facts
Does Anxiety Affect the Pain Response?
If you are scared, the pain threshold is being reduced. What you are most likely to experience is a rush of adrenaline and the muscles will be tensed. This will bring you to a level of heightened sensitivity, but sedation will keep this sensitivity to pain vanish, along with anxiety and fear.
What are the types of oral sedatives used by dentists?
The majority of medications involved in oral sedation dentistry are the ones that belong to a class of medication known as benzodiazepines. These medications are tried and tested through decades to make sure that they are effective and safe. These are also used in the treatment of insomnia, agitation, and anxiety.
What information the dentists need to know in prescribing oral sedation?
Dentists often require a thorough dental and medical history. This would include all medical conditions that you might have, the medications you are taking, both the prescribed and over-the-counter ones. You will also be asked by your dentist whether there are certain foods that you eat that can interfere with the effects of sedatives.
How do dentists administer oral sedatives?
Oral medications are placed either under the tongue or they are allowed to dissolve, and then swallowed. In some cases they are swallowed whole. These medications are effective, safe, and fast-acting. When the sedation has taken effect, it becomes easier to inject the local anesthesia when necessary in order to numb the gums for the dental procedure to be performed.
What should be done before and after appointment?
It’s very important that you follow all the restrictions given, especially the kind of food and drink that you can have before the appointment. And until your medication wears off, you might not be able to drive or operate any heavy machine. Therefore, make sure that you have made arrangements to have some time off and ask someone to drive for you.