Dry, frizzy hair can be one of the most annoying things you are living with! Frizzy hair is seriously a big problem for those who have curly hair in particular. All you are trying to do is to make your hair look perfect and glamorous.
But let me tell you one thing. This is a serious as well as a common problem, and there are experts who have identified some of the best, natural solutions for this. The good thing is that these all are natural hacks and will not cost you many bucks.
Hence, if you wish to explore the 10 best hacks for soft and frizz free hair, then here is the list!
Egg and Almond Oil Massage
Both egg and almond oil are great for the scalp and hair. Almond oil provides natural moisture to the hair and deep conditions them. Egg, on the other hand, repairs damaged hair by providing them high protein nutrition.
All you need to do is prepare a mask with these two ingredients and apply it on your hair for once a week. Doing this regularly will not just curb the frizziness but will also make your hair straight and shiny.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a powerful ingredient rich with numerous nutrients and vitamins that are great for the hair. This milk is excellent to nourish the hair and soften the frizzy hair. You can get fresh coconut milk from the market and apply it on your hair and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash off it with cold water and shampoo like normal. This is an excellent remedy to treat dandruff and get rid of itchy scalp.
Avocado Mask
Avocado is an inexpensive product and highly effective to condition and strengthened the hair. It can effectively control frizz as it is rich in Vitamin E and B. You can apply an avocado mask weekly in order to deep condition your hair.
Olive Oil and Egg Mask
Olive oil is one of the best natural conditioners for hair. If you mix it with egg white then it can be one of the richest masks for your hair in terms of nutritional value.
For this, you need to whip 4 eggs and add few tablespoons of olive oil into it. Apply this mixture on your hair and let it dry for an hour or one hour. Then wash it off with cold water. You will see start noticing the difference from the very first application.
Celery Leaves
If you want to straighten your hair and improve its texture, then you must go for the amazing celery leaves. These leaves are excellent to give a natural boost to your hair growth.
Take celery leaves and extract its juice in a container. Now apply this juice on your hair and let it rest for half hour. You can always cover your head with a shower cap for an added protection.
Aloe Vera Juice / Extracts
You must have heard about the goodness of Aloe Vera for the skin. But do you know that it is also an excellent product for your hair? Aloe Vera juice or extracts can penetrate deep into your hair and provide that needed conditioner for smooth and frizz-free hair.
You can take Aloe Vera juice in a container and apply it on your hair for one hour. You can even apply Aloe Vera gel on your hair to get smooth hair.
Milk Cream
Milk cream is another incredible and cost-effective ingredient that can provide your hair with great benefits and goodness. Milk is a rich source of protein and nutrients that are needed to make hair smooth and frizz free.
Take half cup of milk cream and apply in on your hair. Leave it for one hour and then wash with cold water followed by shampoo. Milk is also used in various shampoos and hair cleansers because of its rich properties.
Bananas and Honey
Bananas are excellent for conditioning hair and when you combine them with honey then the best is even increased to a high extent. It is because honey is also known to contain numerous enzymes and nutrients that can combat the frizziness of hair completely.
Mash one banana completely and add 2tbsp of honey to it. Apply this mixture for one hour and then wash off well. The after effects of this mixture are visible immediately.
Yogurt and Honey
You can apply honey and yogurt separately or can make a mixture of both these ingredients to make your hair soft, smooth, and silky. Yogurt is a deep conditioner and nourishes the hair very well. Honey helps retaining moisture and makes hair smoother and shinier.
Make a paste of honey and yogurt and apply it for at least half an hour on your hair. Wash off with our hair cleanser.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Frizziness in hair can occur because of unbalanced pH level. Hence, apple cider vinegar is an excellent solution to this problem.
Regular application of apple cider vinegar will make your hair more adept at holding moisture. Also, it closes open cuticles and removes all grease and dirt, adding amazing shine to your hair.
There you have the top 10 hacks to keep your hair soft and frizz free. The best thing about these hacks is that even individuals with normal or healthy hair can apply them.
So, just try these bits and have hair that everyone would like to adorn!