Nipples Hurt

No lady likes it when her nipples hurt. There’s no way you’re touching a lady’s nipples when they are causing her pain, and you don’t expect to get hit with a stiletto.

The nipples are very sensitive because they are a top erogenous zone, but there’s a clear difference between pain that feels like pleasure and pain that makes you turn red at once.

So, every woman wants to know what could be responsible for these annoying nipple pains, and if there’s any cause for alarm. In this article, we will be looking at some of the possible reasons why your nipples hurt. Don’t fret.

There’s no need to get scared if you have nipple pain. Some factors that are not health-related could be the cause. Like wearing poorly fitting bras, or maybe your monthly visitor is on its way.

However, there are situations where you might have to worry; this is when you begin to notice symptoms such as lumps, nipple discharge, change in the texture of breast skin, or change in the colour of your breast skin.

If you begin to notice any of these distressing symptoms, you might have to consider seeing your doctor. Whatever the cause of your nipple pain is, it is not OK to have to deal with hurting nips every day.


So if you find out the cause is not a result of any lifestyle change or health change, please book an appointment with your OB-GYN. Possible causes of nipple pain

1. You probably have jogger’s nipples

There is almost no way you would engage in sporting activities like running and not have jogger’s nipples. The chaffing or irritation from clothing is responsible for causing jogger’s nipples.

So if you work out on a regular basis and you wear sporting bras without using an anti-chafing balm, you might suffer from a hurting pair of nipples.

Also, if you put on extra tight lacy bras, you can get Jogger’s nipples so its advisable to wear nicely fitting bras and use anti-chafing balms if you do sports or work out. Dr Sassie says “I’ve also had patients wearing poor-fitting lace bras and such who wind up with rashes or sensitivity because it’s rubbing the nipple all day long,”

2. You might have a nipple infection

Is it possible to have a yeast infection in your nipples? The honest answer is yes. Yeast infections in the breasts mostly occur under the breasts because that’s the hottest and most hot area, but for ladies who put on bras made from materials that are non-breathable, there is a risk of having a yeast infection on the nipples.

Dr  Jenna Sassie says  “There are large pores and hair follicles around the nipple that can become clogged and infected just like in your underarm or pubic areas,” Getting a tattoo or piercing on your nipples can lead to nipple infection as well especially if the equipment used is contaminated or if it’s not done right and you do not care for the injury correctly till it heals.

Breastfeeding mothers can get a yeast infection called thrush from their babies, but the good part is, thrush can be treated with antibiotics for both mother and baby.

3. Breastfeeding

It is not uncommon for breastfeeding moms to complain of nipple pain. Sometimes it is because the baby isn’t latching right, you have cracks in your nipple, or your milk ducts are clogged. Mastitis is also another reason why breastfeeding mothers might experience nipple pain.

In any case, the best option is to see your doctor if you suspect mastitis is responsible for the hurt you feel. You can find more information on the causes and symptoms of mastitis here.

4. Your Hormones may be responsible

Nipple pain might be an early sign of pregnancy so you might have to run a test to confirm if you have someone growing inside you. If you are sure you are not pregnant, then it is possible that you are about to have your period, you stopped a birth control method or pill, you have a hormonal imbalance, or it’s a premenopausal symptom.

If any of this is the case, you don’t have much to worry about; your doctor might just prescribe something to help you ease the pain.

5. You probably started or stopped a medication

Doctor Sassie says “Some medications can have side effects that cause nipple sensitivity or even discharge from the nipple, These can be herbal supplements or prescriptions, especially psychiatric drugs.”

So if you notice that you started experiencing nipple pains when you started or stopped taking a particular drug, you need to check in with your doctor. Breast cancer patients can also experience nipple pains because of the treatments they have to go through.

6. Allergic reaction

You might be reacting to something you just started using, like a cream, soap, body spray, or even laundry detergent. Our bodies react differently to products so if a particular product makes you experience allergic reactions; it doesn’t mean that the product is terrible.

It is not just right for you. What should you do if you notice your nipples hurt from s product switch? Well, it’s simple. Go back to using the old one you didn’t react to, or search for another product that is less harsh and is of good quality.